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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. One of my nieces has a boatload of tattoos. This chick has no money, ever. Yet she’s covered in tattoos. She finances them. She goes to a tattoo parlor and takes out a loan to get a tattoo. How she does this is beyond me. She said that she always pays on time because if she doesn’t they’ll “come after her”. I guess the loan is from the parlor, not a bank. What a maroon!
  2. Ratatouille, of course. or maybe it was Hugh Dirty Rat..
  3. Avoid that guy in the future if going on a ride. Guys like that get others hurt or possibly killed when riding in a group.
  4. In searching for info for the petition @Buckeye Pete, SASS # 29941mentioned above I came across this interesting news. Elon Musk just went up a few points in my opinion. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4919368-elon-musk-petition-swing-states/ Oh, I didn’t find anything regarding that AARP petition.
  5. Another thing that I have noticed is advertising, yard signs, mailers, etc, with a candidate’s name and image but no where is party affiliation listed. Not even “paid for by…” information. I figure if a candidate or the candidate’s promoters are that sneaky their flier can go straight in the recycle bin. I don’t care who they represent or their party affiliation.
  6. A rat. Apparently he has a writ for that rat. It’s a rat writ.
  7. No idea. It’s a found photo. Though I have seen rats nearly that big in PA along a creek bank. They came out of a storm drain and were watching us fish. It was night time. We tossed earthworms to them and they ate them then begged for more. They never got closer than 25’.
  8. Ta-cat-ical…Catical…Tactical Cat
  9. Ah, I understand now. I thought perhaps a step in the manufacturing process was skipped. Thanks.
  10. I would ride home with front brake only. I wouldn’t want to make a habit of it. Years ago a friend of mine would only use his rear brakes. He was afraid to use the front brakes. One day his rear brake faded on a long downhill. He learned how to use his front brake that day.
  11. Bodie is a neat place to visit. The whole town is a historical museum. The thing that stuck with me about Bodie is if you lived there in its heyday the noise from the rock crushers was 24/7. One lady, who was a park employee likened the sound to numerous pile drivers all operating at the same time. Wow!
  12. I used to fix manufacturer’s problems on my own guns. After a drawn out battle with an S&W Performance Center moron I now refuse and will make the manufacturer fix their problem or give me another gun or my money back. I also had a bout with Remington over an R51 whose designation should have been “POS” not R51. Widder, I would contact the makers of those guns and have them fix the issue. But then they’ll probably say “Our manual says ‘factory ammo only”.
  13. My photo from last night off my front porch. I couldn’t see any color with my glasses eyes. It only showed on my iPhone, which usually takes pizz poor night shots. I am not convinced this is the Aurora. It could be ambient light the camera picked up. In my opinion, if one needs a camera to see it the Aurora is not technically “visible”. < my opinion.
  14. I’ve owned a dozen 9mm pistols. All of them were Glocks except for a POS Remington R51. I currently have 3 - 9mm Glocks. I haven’t had any chambering issues with a great variety of manufactured and hand loaded ammunition. So, I really can’t help regarding other manufacturer’s guns. My loads mostly are: 115gr FMJRN - COL 1.125“ 147gr FMJFP - COL 1.100” 124gr XTP - COL 1.060” Honestly, I am only posting to say, please be very careful with overall lengths. Shortening cartridges to match a short chambering could cause extreme jumps in pressure. I’m sure you know this but wanted to mention it. Also, I would recommend using a taper crimp for 9mm loads. For me a taper crimp assures a consistent case contour. No bulges that could cause a cartridge to stick in a chamber.
  15. I thought so too. Such drama! Good dog.
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