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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. I don’t understand your question. OP then said, “…it definitely broke the 170.” That’s all that matters.
  2. SDQ. The rest of the narrative is irrelevant.
  3. I have a Black Rain Ordinance AR-15. Very pleased with it - a solid, good-shooting rifle.
  4. I just took a tritium sight off my Glock because after 8 or 9 years, it doesn’t glow anymore. Well, technically it does, but I have to wait several minutes for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Then it’s just barely visible in total darkness. If there’s even a tiny bit of ambient light, it’s no better than a blade or post sight. Maybe that many years is too much to expect, but for $100, I thought it would last longer. It actually started to dim after the first year. Perhaps other brands are better.
  5. Here’s an example that happened to me several years ago: Shotgun sequence was to shoot two targets from the left of a post, then two shots from the right. The required distance to move was one step or less to the right, as long as shooting was from the right of the post. With my ‘87, I shot two from the left, forgot to move right, loaded two more and just as I closed the lever, the TO yelled “MOVE!!” - which I obediently did - with a loaded gun. SDQ. Not that it matters, but proper muzzle direction was maintained. SDQ is the correct call for movement with the action closed on a loaded gun, provided muzzle control is maintained. The “MOVE!” command was the only word the TO spoke to me for the string. Had he said nothing, I’d have shot the second two rounds from left of the post and earned a procedural. Had I not been startled by the command, I also could’ve jacked out the rounds and then moved without penalty. Could this have been appealed for TO interference, thus qualifying for a reshoot? Or is it, “that’s too bad, but no, the call stands.”
  6. I had the same experience with Lyman dies and .44-40. Someone on this forum recommended RCBS Cowboy dies. My problems went away after switching. I noticed the neck of the case looked different than the Lyman sized cases. My recollection is the shoulder is a whisker lower with the Cowboy dies. I’ve no idea if the regular RCBS would be any different than the RCBS Cowboy die, but it sure is better than the Lyman for our game. I load a lot of different calibers and that Cowboy die set is the only one I own. The others are a mix of Lee, Hornady and RCBS.
  7. A great video from Jay Leno’s Garage series. It’s worth an hour of your time if you like steam locomotives. I’ve stood next to this very train when it comes through Kansas City. It’s just amazing.
  8. reminds me of this experiment - GE’s unducted turbofan.
  9. It appears Rachel passed away last year. 😔 www.dcourier.com/tncms/asset/editorial/dd52ecd8-788f-52aa-abfd-52ed3fee1346
  10. This^ I learned to load on a pard's 550, a really excellent machine. Bought a LNL though, because at the time it was much less expensive - especially when all of the accessory/necessities costs are factored in. The primer feed is much simpler, caliber and die changes a breeze, will hold up to 5 dies vs the 550's 4, and it auto indexes with each pull of the handle. I now have two of them. You won't go wrong with either press. My opinion of the Dillon's - skip the Square Deal because it requires proprietary dies. The 550 is the king of KISS among Dillons. The 650 is excellent except it has a cantankerous primer feed. If you must have an auto-indexing Dillon with a 5-hole head, the 750 is the way to go as they've improved the primer feed from the 650. One last bit of advice. Take your time when loading and be deliberate. A progressive can load just as many bad rounds in a hurry as well as good ones. Good luck!
  11. Thought this thread was going to be a rant about the mainstream media…
  12. I can’t copy and paste the link for the article into this thread. But try this one and scroll down to “What is the difference between 7mm and 7mm Mauser?” Seems like good info in there. https://www.google.com/search?q=7mm+mauser+ammo&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari Hope this helps.
  13. I’ve been on Plavix and one baby aspirin a day since bypass surgery 6/23. No side effects except for easy bruising, which is new for me. I often don’t even remember what I did to cause the bruise. Minor cuts and scrapes are no more of a problem than before. Glad things turned out ok for you!
  14. Sounds like a classic Navy FUBAR where the skipper gets sacked regardless of his decisions. If the article is accurate, he clearly didn’t get the support he needed from USN. And if he had decided to take his ship offline until the matter was diagnosed and resolved, they’d have castigated him for that too.
  15. While I’ve never loaded a cartridge like that, I’ve found that even new brass needs to be sized first. Have you tried that? The new .44-40 brass I get from Starline has a neck that’s more of a suggestion than anything and nowhere near to spec. Starline says to size first. Is the case length to spec and/or would trimming make a difference?
  16. Not enough powder for proper combustion. I had that problem early in my reloading career. I now use 4.3 grains of 231 with the same bullet & case. Problem went away. 9mm is a much smaller case, so combustion is better.
  17. This has been an informative thread, especially with the photos. Can we get this archived somewhere for future reference?
  18. Thanks for all you do, Major! The Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I’ll be there!
  19. I use a .50 cal BMG bullet for that. Thanks for that, Driftwood!
  20. Chain fires are nasty, regardless of how many hands.
  21. I’m just piling on/agreeing to what others have said, but this is what works for me after 15 years of loading real BP. AA hulls (very used after 2-3 smokeless loads). Toss ‘em after firing BP. 1 oz #8 shot, pink Claybuster wad Win 209 primer #30 Mec bushing which is around 36 grains Goex 2 or 3f. I’m with Griff and load without dippers, so I’ve no idea how many CCs that is. Keep in mind that the weight of the charge is irrelevant. I’ve just found that volume of real BP works for me. Stack height is a whisker short, but the crimp closes without shot leaks. Water is the main ingredient for cleaning fouling. You can add Murphy’s Oil Soap, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, Ballistol etc. as additives, but it’s the water that does the bulk of the work. The hotter the better. Wait 5 minutes or longer, and the plastic snot pushes out with a tight paper towel wad. It’s a non-issue for me. One editorial note/opinion for those who like “artillery” rounds. If that’s your thing, fine. But please let your posse know as you approach the line. Some of us have little hearing left and that boom is more than uncomfortable, even with the best hearing protection. I’d like the option of stepping aside, especially where the stages are semi enclosed like at my range and Land Run, et al. The above suggested load is mild on recoil, more than enough to knock down a target, yet still provide a satisfying boom, smoke and flame. YMMV.
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