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Texas Lizard

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Everything posted by Texas Lizard

  1. Going to need a big dog....He is not going to share it..... Texas Lizard
  2. Saw a lot of them when Uncle Sam sent me there....Very dangerous snakes..... Texas Lizard
  3. I bought a snow shovel...Just in case I needed it....But sitting here in sunny California and 70 degrees...I might have a long wait to try it out....But I am prepared..... Texas lizard
  4. I use mapquest.com It works for me....I like to see where I am going....Like an old fashion map....Will also give different ways and time to get there....I have trouble with a box telling where to turn and when..... Texas Lizard
  5. I did once...But, being a wheelchair I found myself going in circles..... Texas Lizard
  6. If you have grands kids and need tech support....Go to them.....Faster than waiting on the phone for someone... Texas Lizard
  7. She is gearing you up for something....Have a great evening.... Texas Lizard
  8. I just pulled the covers up high over my ears to stay warm.....Then slept another hour.... Texas Lizard
  9. I think you left out a word or two....But the point is made.... Texas Lizard
  10. How bad could be...They are shorter and thinner and if remember some known as Baby Dolls....They tied on the sides.... Texas Lizard But I not have bought any for friends or wife in a long time.......
  11. Can we revisit this come summer??? The choices for the ladies will be much more interesting..... Texas Lizard
  12. How do you keep the dogs away from it.....Thinking of getting one for liberal sister..... Texas Lizard
  13. You can't show that one now a days.....Some liberal would call out...That is not good for kids to see..... Texas Lizard
  14. Something for my sister who displayed nothing at her house....Only one on the street without a display on her yard or house...It would be as good and as the pet rock in sent her years ago....While teaching in Papua New Guinea....Not easy to explain to locals Texas Lizard I guess every family needs liberal it...
  15. Let us see in the summer months.....Summer nightgowns.....Could get interesting...... Texas Lizard
  16. At least we have vitamin V to help.... Texas Lizard
  17. Easy fix....Cut all the pants legs off at the knees....No problem....Nothing to tuck in....Shave the legs would give a good touch also..... Texas Lizard
  18. He did and became president.... Texas Lizard
  19. Mine was smaller and I pulled it...... Texas Lizard
  20. Maybe a family member you do not know..... Texas Lizard
  21. And someone will have an open couch for you to sleep on...... Texas Lizard
  22. You can keep them....Whom ever or what ever they belong to......... Texas Lizard
  23. You could ask Jim Bowie....He seems to have been in the middle of all this...Way back when it started..... Texas Lizard
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