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Texas Lizard

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Everything posted by Texas Lizard

  1. Just think...No body suit, it could gone to B Texas Lizard
  2. Along the same lines of what I have heard....A committee is a group of people who get together to invent a horse and end up with a camel.... Texas Lizard
  3. I will be very happy to take your $3.35 price.....Send it my way....Not sure what ours is....About $4.00 plus a ga....I have gotten to where I just fill it up....Don't even look at price.... Texas Lizard
  4. Sounds like they are fishing....For your $50...... Texas Lizard
  5. Yul...You mean you would leave this great state...With all this great weather....And very great state of taxes and more taxes....Always have a well balanced budget every year....And a bunch of other problems, too many to count.... Texas Lizard
  6. I prefer the mammalian production....At least to see if they work..... Texas Lizard
  7. To Serve Man.....It was cook book...... Texas Lizard
  8. No I think many other places also....Fowlers was about 50... Texas Lizard
  9. In this case, they did catch them....Along with, if info was correct about 500 guns also...They seem to have been a busy group.... Texas Lizard
  10. I have a feeling breaking in here.... Carried by 6 later.... Texas Lizard
  11. If not happy with duel...Lets dig them and have them do it over..... Texas Lizard
  12. New thing here, video 24X7....Plus you are to save that info, for I think 2 years... Texas Lizard
  13. One of our local gun stores was last hit last night or this morning....Fowler Gun Room in Orange...Looks like they backed a car into the gates and ripped off the place....Rifles and hands guns....Not sure how bad...I have threw the years have done much much trade with them...This is getting way to close to home.... Texas Lizard They are near a freeway entrance....Good hit and run.... There was 8 kids involved, so I was told...Ranging in age 18 to 23...As of now there was 7 out of 8 in jail....What happens next will be the interesting part....Serve time or walk....
  14. Herd another story on Blackbird...ATC gets a call request to go to 60 angles (60,000 feet)....Controller gives him OK and says good luck getting up to there...Pilot radios radios back, not going up to dropping down to.... Texas Lizard
  15. Did we not use to have them on radiator caps...So you relieve the pressure before opening them...But was back in days when we had water bags hanging by the radiator when cross the desert..... Texas Lizard
  16. I know where you went wrong....You forgot the cold beer wash it down....Just like your college days.... Texas Lizard
  17. Thanks...I think I walked into that one.... Texas Lizard
  18. I think I would be careful not to ask re-shoot... Texas Lizard
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