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Cumberland Mtn John SASS#40593

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About Cumberland Mtn John SASS#40593

  • Birthday 05/11/1947

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Greene Cty Regulators, Oak Ridge Outlaws

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  • Interests
    Sass, and hiking.

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  1. Jack, is it Satin or blued. Do you have pics.  Thanks  RT

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    2. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Thanks John. can you send me pics. Any modifications?? If its 4 5/8. Sounds like what *'m looking for.  Cell number is 563 349 2273  RT

    3. Cumberland Mtn John SASS#40593

      Cumberland Mtn John SASS#40593

      Rootin Tootin,


      It is a stainless Blackhawk.


      Cumberland Mtn John


      It is a standard stainless Blackhawk.  I am not photo capable.  When I got it new I took it to Bill Kelly the excellent cowboy gunsmith at the Oak Ridge Outlaws and he when thru it and smoothed it up.  I have no need for it as a backup anymore since my other Rugers have never failed me in competition.  I have the box and papers on it.  It is $750 plus shipping from my FFL to your FFL.  Let me know if you want it and I will get a shipping cost for you.  Yes it is a 4 5/8".


      Cumberland Mtn John 40593

    4. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Good. Do you do PayPal. I can send funds that way.  I'll take it.  Thanks  RT

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