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Chickamauga Charlie, SASS #47963

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    West End Outlaws

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Chickamauga Charlie, SASS #47963's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Simple economics. Less lead, less cost. 105TC in both hand and long guns.
  2. That's the best comment about me I've ever had! Love you man, and will keep this comment posted in one form or another so I can see it and reflect upon it for the rest of my life. 


    You honor me Sir, and thank YOU and your Honey for your past multiple years commitment. You kids are simply great!

  3. He wasn't a bad guy in All the pretty horses or the hateful eight,although I guess he had a questionable past in H8 CC
  4. The lightning, having a smaller, lighter frame, shouldn't be subjected to 357 pressures. I've never tried but I'm guessing you can't fit it in the cylinder as is. Curiosity may get me to check. CC I answered your pm. See you there.
  5. frog, where are you? i have a pair she can try. my wife shot them till she pretty much wore them out and now shoots a full frame with gun fighter grips. she can try these lightnings, my thunderers or her GF grips. send me a PM with contact info or tell me where you shoot. we live in norco and you can usually find us at west end or cajon on saturdays. CC
  6. sent you an email hoping it doesnt go into junk.

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