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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. I feel sorry for you folks south of the Mason Dixon Line. We up here are prepared for the temperature extremes. Stay safe and since you aren't used to it: Stay off the icy roads!!
  2. Here in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, we have lost most of our snow and the temperature today is just around the freezing mark. Looks like you folk South of us are getting what we normally get, snow wise. Just a little warmer than we usually enjoy. My NG bill is lower than usual and the furnace doesn't come on as often.
  3. How did he get Environmental Approval through so fast? Was there an ecological report done on the effects of ground dwelling species? Hos will this affect herbivores grazing activities? Has an Environmental Impact Statement been filed? Was Union Labour used and Union pay rates observed? Was the County Building Permit obtained? Were Public Hearing held to hear from the stake holders? Where are the Inspectors reports filed? I have so many questions.
  4. I have it on a DVD and always enjoy re-watching it. Another great one for Sherron and I was "HATARI!" I pulled it from my DVD library and watched it again not to long ago.
  5. Another shot to send to the celebrities. We'll tell them this one was taken in southern Ontario, in July ! During a mild spell.
  6. He continues to hang on, much like a bad smell, from and overflowing outside toilet. All the contenders seem to be trying to distance themselves from him and his policies, but too many of us remember and shout out: :BUT YOU WERE THERE AND SUPPORTED THE IDIOCY!
  7. We are sending this to celebrities who thought of moving here after your recent election.
  8. The Kid quietly sits there sadly shaking his head.
  9. Doesn't always work that way. Thieves at my son's store keep meet the little "Loss Prevention Officer" the manager hired. I've seen video of him holding down people quite a bit larger than he, but I guess he's had some training. Oh, and his store prosecutes and gives out trespass notices. Losses have been going down steadily since last fall when the new manager took over. Funny how that works.
  10. Skagway tour guides will regale their customers with tales of Soapy's scams. I liked the one about the "telegraph" service he provided, with wires that led no where, but could send and receive messages for the lonesome miners!! Frank Reid's tombstone reads: "He Gave His Life For the Honor of Skagway"
  11. Ontario is one of the provinces that would add to the economic growth and be an asset. One draw back in any possible amalgamation is the social programs Canadians have invested in and rely on. For example, we don't have your 401K (Which I know zero about) but we do have the federally administered Old Age Suppuration (OAS) and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) in addition to whatever Retirement plans our employers may have had. We also have a personal, voluntary, Registered Retirement Saving Plans (RRSPs) and Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSAs) with set amounts we can contribute to annually.
  12. Just happy no one was in it.
  13. Pard in Saskatchewan called me last night and chastised me for neglecting to post their flag. OK Ron, here it is!
  14. It's really improved since then. You now get free needles and a place to shoot up, with medical staff standing by, in case you O.D.. You can $**t on the street and all sort of neat things. They had a foretaste of your fires south of BC, and the Banff/Jasper National Park wildfires that took out a portion of the City of Jasper, but apparently no one took note or thought it couldn't happen there. Something about forest debris left to become tinder, if I recall. It was discovered alleged, that a few of the fires were "Caused by humans." and there was some interesting drone videos on line for a while.
  15. BC = The Canadian version of California. Many, Many strange things and goings on. Most of us appreciate the Rockies keeping them near the coast.
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