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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. I have a bunch of change in my car. I’m never without a quarter!
  2. Yea but flea markets are usually free!
  3. Well since you get your quarter back when you return the cart what’s the point?
  4. I tried watching it a couple times and it did nothing for me either. It’s been on for years! I don’t get the attraction!
  5. We had a huge infestation in 1983-84 and it was loud!!!
  6. He wanted Bloomberg for President! He also supports an Assault Weapon ban and Universal background checks an d gun registration! What a disappointment!
  7. Just came back from this debacle! Wow did that suck big time! High prices galore! Small pistol primers $100/1000 r u kidding me??
  8. Wish you could be there, always fun shootin with ya!
  9. There’s a small gun show here this weekend. I’ll just go to see what’s there and something to do. Last time I was there a few months ago I sold an Uberti .357 that I really didn’t need. Lost a few bucks but thats okay. Yea they’re pretty all black plastic guns and AR’s etc. There’s one guy that has a boatload of revolvers but he’s way too high!
  10. My Home Depot has a couple cashiers and only one person dealing with the self serve customers. Seems to go pretty smooth. On busy weekends they have a few more cashiers and maybe two self serve employees.
  11. Good luck with that, like the stores are really going to listen. There's many more that prefer the self serve than don't. It's obviously a cost saving measure or the stores wouldn't be switching to self serve machines. It's kinda like the old horse and buggy vs the automobile days!
  12. It’s obvious that no one is afraid of Brandon!
  13. IDF says they intercepted 99% of the incoming missiles/drones This could get ugly!
  14. Firelands will be having our first shoot of the season Saturday April 20. Sign up at 8:30 safety meeting at 9:45 shoot follows. Cmon out and shoot at one of the nicest ranges around! www.firelandspeacemakers.com
  15. I see just the opposite here, more and more self serves and less human cashiers.
  16. Be careful that windmill might come down!
  17. Sorry to tell you but there’s not enough of you Anti-Self serve folks to make the stores change. You’re fighting a losing battle, I believe we’re going to see more and more of them!
  18. Good time shooting today! Ol’ Slo Mo and Brunswick Kid did a great job! See ya’ll in May at the RAT Motel. It’ll be my first time there. Should I bring D-Con??
  19. Good question. One of them said they were seeing it this weekend with his son. I guess we’ll see………
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