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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. You’re questioning Hoppy?? Shame on you! 😂
  2. It shouldn't be called Coconut Milk it should be called Coconut Juice, same with Almond and soy! None of this stuff is milk.
  3. It’s kinda like when the horseless carriage came along and the wagon and buggy makers were being slowly edged out of their jobs. Oh well, time marches on!
  4. What about the people that actually design, produce and maintain these machines? I bet they make a helluva lot more than a cashier who knows absolutely nothing but how to ring up a sale. I'm a big fan of self serves, I use them whenever I can!
  5. Congratulations to top shooter Woody Shootem!!! 🤠
  6. I’ll just put this here for your enjoyment or whatever
  7. Does Nevada have $20.00 min wage? I don’t blame McDonalds at all! All the ones around here have the kiosks too but there’s also at least one person to take your order. I’ve seen young people ordering from the human also!! No one likes those kiosks.
  8. I go there occasionally, their $5.00 meal is a great quick lunch. Double cheeseburger or Chicken sandwich, small fries, 4 nuggets and a drink.
  9. I’ve heard something about that. I think it’s coming soon!🙄
  10. Thanks to all that came out and helped. Fun time!! I was clean except for 2 Ps!!!😡
  11. Yea I was tired after shooting and didn’t want to get out of the car. I had an hour drive ahead of me.
  12. Fox reported he was registered as a Republican and voted in the state elections in 2022. No clue how he voted but he gave $15 to a lefty group not long ago. He wasn’t old enough to vote in the national election.
  13. I hardly ever drink coke or Pepsi but after a long day at the shoot and an hour ride ahead, I wound up with a Coke at McDonald’s and it was pretty tasty!
  14. My 2022 Encore reminds to check in that back seat. It only does it when it’s really hot or really really cold . I don’t know the temperatures it’s programmed for but it only goes on when it’s extreme. It also tells me watch for icy roads when it’s really cold.
  15. Well you can get hot or iced coffee for a buck too! That’s not carbonated. Read down to the third paragraph in this link. What’s different about iced tea? https://www.mashed.com/190582/the-real-reason-all-mcdonalds-soft-drinks-are-only-1/
  16. What is wrong with these people? 😡
  17. Okay 👍🏻 It does say “ usually carbonated” . I mean how much would it cost them to include iced tea on their special?
  18. Oh okay, the fake news channel 😃
  19. Mickey Ds has their summer drink special, any soft drink any size $1.00 So on the way home from the shoot today I pulled in the drive thru and I ordered a large iced tea. The girl said that’ll be $2.50. I said I thought all soft drinks were $1.00 it says so right on this menu! She said “ iced tea is not a soft drink”. I said Really?? What is it? She said it’s iced tea! I ordered a large coke!!! So my question is don’t you think iced tea is a soft drink?? Apparently not according to Mickey D’s!!🙄
  20. Where in the world did you hear this?
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