A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. The Team SASS Forum is operated for information distribution and exchange and is not a forum for general political discussion It is a place where you can find informational type items of interest to the general membership that deal exclusively with our Second Amendment initiative. All SASS Members are a part of Team SASS. Those with a different point of view on the Second Amendment or what we can do to support it are more than welcome to express them on the Team SASS Wire as long as it is done in a civil, non-personal manner. But, if any responses become argumentative and cross the line into less than constructive territory, I will have to activate my Moderator privileges and take appropriate action. Here, you'll also find updates as to SASS’ activities in going to bat for the members of SASS, our coordinated activities with other gun organizations such as the NRA, SAF and Ruger for starters. You'll also find notices of any scheduled events involving our fight for the right to keep and bear arms. In that regard, feel free to post only information regarding events and activities in your local area so others in that same locale will be made aware of those activities and perhaps participate and ask clarifying questions about those events and activities. Finally, I certainly welcome, need and ask for your input and ideas to improve this forum and how we move forward but please respect the established rules of the Wire.