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Some Observations/Recommendations for EoT 2007

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First off, I want to say that I had an AWESOME time at End of Trail. I got to meet alot of folks that I have chatted with on the Wire (Blackey Cole, the Hugginkiss Sisters, Henry McKenna, to name a few), ran into some friends that I had made last year at the Invitational (Rancid Roy, Ten High, and others), and met a whole bunch of new friends! This was my Mom's first SASS event and she is hooked! So, all in all, I had a great time as did my family. BUT :blink: , I humbly offer these observations so as to promote a better EoT for 2007 (one of the Marine Corps leadership principles is to know yourself and seek self-improvement, hence this post :D ):


1) Social events/Costume contests: As was stated on another post, the Costume contests started too early and alot of folks who would have liked to have participated did not make it on time. Maybe this could start a little later.


2) Public Participation: A few people that I spoke with on the shuttle who had come out to see what SASS is all about where a bit lost once they got into the event. Some did not know what to expect either. I would suggest that pamphlets/flyers be made for next year that explains what SASS is about, has a map of vendor locations, and lists some of the seminars/events that might spark an interest with these "civilians" who could quite possibly become future members. These pamphlets/flyers could be handed out as these individuals paid there way in at the gate.


3) Social Atmosphere: Having participated in a few EoTs when SASS was in Norco, the one thing I thoroughly enjoyed was the evenings. The Saloon was packed, people were EVERYWHERE having little parties here and there. It lasted well into the night and was a great way to make new friends and tell "sea stories". It seemed like things shut down early and folks were shooed out of town. I would like to see more of the socializing and partying that I had always looked forward to when coming to EoT.


I am sure others could add their observations to this post (constructive criticism please, not bashing) in order to BENEFIT future SASS events. I am a die hard SASS member (paid for my Life Membership at EoT) and only want to see things grow and improve so if you have any thoughtful suggestions that you feel could IMPROVE future events, please add them here. I only ask that if anyone feels like they want to bash EoT, start your own thread. Thanks for reading this loooong post! :blink:

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Hay Manny,


Sure good to see you at EOT. Look forword to many good times in future. Lets keep the bar open as long as needed!


Ten High

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:D Howdy there Manny---Great to see you and your son again. He really wore out that camera with photos of Morning Dove!!! I saw your Mom in passing, glad she had a great time. Nice suggestions on your post, very thoughtful. We look forward to seeing you next time around. Vaya con Dios.....Slim :blink:
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Hi Manny, yea I agree with all of your points. One of our shooters spent hours and hours on her costume, packed and shipped it all the way from Australia, and because the Sat she shot in the last rotation finished late, a rush half drive back to ALQ and a half hour back again, not to mention the time to change, got out there only to be told she was too late and couldn,t compete. She was devastated, and that's not good enough I'm afraid. There is certainly no need to start it at the time it did, gee we got all night!!

Public, I see your point and there probably needs some customer/public relations co-ordinators.

Social atmosphere, yep, you're spot on there. I also attended many EoT's at Norco and the evening atmosphere was always a buzz. Plenty folks around their own parties, Belle Union full, and full of smoke and atmosphere!, banning smoking I think played a large part of the poor turn outs there; and generally the place was like a morgue really. Not may folks around at all?

I think the fact that FR is so far from anywhere, at least half an hour drive to where ever you were staying if not camping?? We normally stayed in Corona and that was just a 10 min run.

Anyhow we had a good time, and I expect in the years to come more development out that way may change things. It can only improve, as more suggestions and constructive ideas roll in.

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First, it was nice to meet you and your son at EOT.


Second, I agree with your statements/observations. Certainly an information brochure for visitors would help. I saw TV coverage of EOT, and I'm sure some folks came out just to see what's going on. The brochure with map would be helpful.


In the brochure on the front and back - print in extra large, red, bold letters where non-shooters are not allowed and why. Maybe if the map is color coded, show the areas where visitors are not allowed in red.


Constructive criticism regarding safety signs- I saw far too many visitors wandering into the shooting areas without eye and ear protection. Several made it all the way into the shooting bays. Lazarus and I, as well as several others, politely explained why they couldn't be there and most left immediately. But at least one man with children had to be told twice before he actually left the area. (He ignored us and kept walking, but we weren't up to following him as we were resting on our gun carts by the back fence line. Obviously the other shooter that spoke to him more firmly than we did must have seen and heard us just seconds before.)


More signs need to be permanently posted more places and they need to be larger. They need to be head high when walking, not having to look down to the fence opening. They need to be posted at the demarcation line and then again inside the no visitors area (at the front of every shooting bay would help).


Luckily most of us were willing to politely speak to these visitors, but if something had happened and someone had gotten hurt, all of SASS would have been in trouble. And some SASS members might be unaware or too shy to approach these visitors. I know if you're busy getting ready to load or shoot, you don't check out everyone standing in the shooting bay. You're focused on what you need to do.


Handicapped parking - never had a problem and parking attendants were always helpful and polite, but I understand they found out they needed more spaces than originally planned for. Suggestion, on EOT application have a space to check if you will be needing handicapped parking. Could help in determining a reasonable number of spaces to reserve.


As this was our first EOT, we have nothing to compare it to, but we had fun and will be back next year.

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Well we built it…but most didn’t come. Ask Ten High, the Belle Union was ready.., we had beer, sodas, a variety of mixed drinks, peanuts etc, heck this year we even had all the bars accessories to go along with that AND Three bar tenders to boot, a piano player, a poker tournament/gaming tables all that and a tram driven by Sgt. Johnny Lee to deliver you to the parking and camping areas. If you didn’t/couldn’t have a good time then the ol saying applies “you can lead a horse to water……”


Saturday night I stayed around to see how things were going, leaving around 10:30 just before the threat of rain, it wasn’t as crowded as past years but still a good social event, it didn’t look exactly like morgue to me.


When I left I was in a caravan of EOT participants a mile long so I guess many were not interested in staying to have fun socializing having to drive so far to their motels, I did notice several parties in camp, singing and carrying on, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a couple more if you want to stop and join in.


The Wild Bunch went all out to make the 25th a fun event, all I can say is next year, be there, tell your friends to be there and you’ll have a good time if YOU want to.


As to the costume contest, I agree the schedule should be looked at.

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I think I was one of the ones there when the Belle Union finally closed at midnight. Had to get the LAST CALL drinks ya know!! Anyway it was really nice that they brought a shuttle wagon to take us all back to the campground that late at night. I think the match officials were blindsided by the number of shooters and how long it took to get through the match. The late rotation was REALLY late. I missed some social events because of it also. I am disappointed that the costume staff didn't take the rotation into account and let late shooters check in after official closing. I'm sure they will rectify that situation next year. It is unfortunate that the public can't observe the shooting better, but I just don't know know of any way to get them closer and keep them safe at the same time. I think all the EOT staff did as well as they could considering the circumstances. It was a great shoot and Copper Queen and I had a terrific time. See you all next year !!!

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Now don't get me wrong, as Ten High can attest to my presence in the Saloon until closing :D . I just wanted to see what others felt would be beneficial to enhance the experience of End of Trail. There is a post here in which someone wanted to get a list of vendors; in the future, a pamphlet that has that information would benefit all; shooters, conventioneers, visitors, and of course the vendors. It could have sponsors and their website information. As the response to this thread is minimal then I assume most people were happy, as I was, with the way things were. I guess it is just the Jarhead in me that is always looking at different "avenues of approach"... :blink:

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I guess it is just the Jarhead in me that is always looking at different "avenues of approach"...  :blink:




I think that the comments are very well thought out, and would be beneficial to SASS for future events.

My only suggestion to you is to put it on the Main Wire. I'm sure you would get a lot more attention in that arena, given the fact that most folks aren't previewing this one anymore. Katie

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Manny P.,


great thread...


my observation comes from the RV camping hill...


1) the gentlemen handling the water/pump-out service was one busy dude...nearly single handedly added water and pump used water for ALL the RV's (and Chiz)...overloaded...to say the least...i would think a little more planning needs to go into the area...i found him to be a very nice guy to boot!!!


2) quiet time on the hill...i realize that some come to party (that's cool) but some like to sleep...i would think a quiet time of say 10pm to 6am would be fair...music, generators etc...now if we could only get Mother Nature's hails storms to settle down...


that's it...we had a grand time...thanks



SS :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to see the campers sectioned off by 3 categories: Modern (RV, etc), primitive, and authentic. It's no fun setting up your authentic tent beside a couple of RVs. :huh:

I'd like to add that Manny Pistolero and his family were some of the most impressive folks there. Manny won the best dressed Conventioneer contest (congrats again) but if they had an "overall best dressed"category Manny should have won it. The authentic detail and downright sharpness of his attire from day to day was outstanding. :huh:

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While we are on constructive critisisms, I must admit being very disappointed in the team shoot this year. I last shot EOT in '89 and the team shoot was one of the fondest memories. We were all there shooting from a train and knocking down targets like crazy..great fun!

I told my daughter, who shot Buckarette, that we could not miss the team shoot and we showed up with ALL our weapons and additional ammo as per the instructions. The shoot had us only discharging a few pistol rounds each and it was all over in a few seconds. Absolutely not worth bringing guns down the the hill for or having to scrub the hoglegs. It seemed like it was planned quickly as an afterthought.

My suggestion would be to allow people to form their own teams of a specific number (five? ten?) and post the team shoot rules and course of fire in the book. The teams can form a stategy and show up with the proper guns and ammo. Give each team targets to knock down or a similar project. I do not think any of this would be new.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Manny good ty see you again this year. Keep up the good work supporting our troups.


I agree with many oif the things that you have stated. One thing I would like to see implemented is seminars like the conventions in the evening or on side match days


And the events need to be later in the evening and the town needs to be open later in the day several times I wnet down to get somethign to eat agter 6 and nothing but the tent was open.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Manny,


Home for awhile I hope. Great suggestions and I'd like to add another. In the past, the public would have to walk past the Wild West show in the arena and would capture the attention of most visitors. It was a huge draw and it gave the public an immediate understanding of what was going on here. This is the old west, Welcome and have a great time. Today, I don't even know where the arena is. Do they do a wild west show? Is it just the mounted shooting championship? (Nothing wrong with mounted shooting championships, not making lite of them) We need to somehow make the thing more social. How do we do that with so many folks there that don't know each other. I don't know! It'll take awhile for all the newbees to feel comfortable and be willing to come up to you and say howdy but I'm sure it will happen.


Anyway, good hearing from you. I'm buying the first round at EOT 2007.


Take care,



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Howdy, Longcolt! I couldn't agree with you more. The closest we came to that was the mounted parade through town. I did not even make it to the area, regrettably. The socializing has always been the highlight of EoT for me. I think that in time, we will see more socializing and as we continue to attend EoTs in New Mexico, we will build our "buddy base"! BTW, NINE MORE DAYS UNTIL I AM BACK IN THE STATES!! YEEHAW!!! :lol:

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  • 5 months later...

Re: late shooting and the costume contest. Last year we held entries open for the Saturday night costume contest until, if I remember correctly, 7:30. At that time the only one who hadn't shown up was Blacky Cole, and I knew he had a conflict and probably wouldn't be coming. There might have been others. Don't remember. We had heard of the problems with the B-Western/Classic Cowboy costume contest and didn't want a repeat.


When EOT was at Norco, the same problems occurred. I was on the late Saturday shift and made my Posse Marshal mad when I told him I had to leave after shooting in order to make the Costume Contest. Several good costumes didn't make it in time then.


But to make it I planned ahead and changed in the car, not back at the hotel. If you're in a hotel and on the late Saturday shift I would suggest:

  • Switch to a different posse, one that isn't late on Saturday. Last year they were very good at getting people in the posses they wanted. (This won't work if you're a member of The Dooley Gang or other group that has to shoot together.)
  • Failing that, find someone with an RV parked on premises. Change there. It's a lot closer than Albuquerque. SASS is a friendly and helpful group. This should be easier than you think.

I'll be very surprised if they finish on time each day. Arranging your schedule around the costume contest of choice is the most logical accommodation for this problem, assuming the organizers don't take care of it.

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Well, last year we changed in the truck and still didn't make the B-Western Contest!! We will have a RV this year but?????Besides, after last year I don't think we will be spending near as much on costumes in the future anyway. Concentrate on shootin'

Besides... the B-Western judges have "Rinestones" on the brain!!!

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