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Slice it

Lawdog Dago Dom

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Any suggestions for an electric kitchen slicer? Started curing pork bellies (healthy-wise, no nitrates) and discovered a nice deli-type slicer would streamline the process. Also found out that garlic adds a nice flavor during the curing process.


Thanks pards.




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Do not get one with a plastic frame, they flex.  Wife bought me one instead of the metal framed one I found at Cabela's.  Haven't been back since they were bought but someone makes one and some one sells them.  Stuck with it so I usually use a very large professional meat slicing knife.

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Just be sure it is easy to disassemble and wash and sanitize.


And then wash it and sanitize it after EVERY use.


Foodborne illnesses are a pain in the ass.



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+ on metal frame unit.

A BAC Brother and I did a lot of dinners, of 150+ for our Church and found the all metal frame unit we first borrowed, then bought similar for our own use, worked best.

Usually roast beef, but we could slice as thin as we wanted, which was handy if we got a tough roast. 

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In high school I had the unenviable job of cleaning the meat department of a chain grocery store (Eagle's). It took 4 hours every night to tear down and scrub every machine they had, then re assemble. Very familiar with the Hobart brand.

Also learned how sharp some of those edges can be.



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