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Happy Mothers day

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To all you moms out there



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Took Schoolmarm to her favorite Hibachi restaurant for lunch, stopped at her second favorite coffee place, went to the frozen custard store, and found a gas station that was $.47 a gallon lower than most places around here and filled up her car!!


I sent my mom a nice email and some flowers that she can plant.


Good day all around!!

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Happy happy Mothers Day


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Happy Mothers Day to all cowgirls who are Mothers or maybe plan to be Mothers. You have the most important job in the world. We are headed out soon to celebrate at a restaurant with my wife of 49 years, three younguns and their spouses, and all six grandkids. Going to be a good time. Mom has been gone almost seven years now and isn't a day goes by that she is not in my thoughts. Kay lost her Mother last summer and is missed by all.

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