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So There We Were

Subdeacon Joe

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Wife and I sort of watching baseball,  browsing Instagram on our phones.   I  wanted a definition of something so I  said,  "Hey, Google! What is (whatever it was)?"  While I  was doing this my wife was working on a cut, paste, and translate of a crochet pattern from Portuguese to English.   

Both of our phones lit up with the Google Assistant.   We started laughing. 


She then started to "retrain" her phone to her voice.   She went up in pitch.  She read off the  calibration phrases , my phone set a timer for 5 minutes and started reeling off the weather forecast for tomorrow. 


It took us almost 5 minutes to stop laughing. 

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im only going to say - they are watching and listening , anyone that says otherwise is living in a different world , the other day i made a comment to my wife that a friend was opening a new store - tack and guns , i was speculating on how it might do given its ;location to his current clientele as well as her potential clientele in the area - nothing specific but a general conversation , 


the adds popping up on my computer and phone lead me to believe they are listening - ive never ever looked up anything tack related ever , horses and i dont mix well , but there they are , why" 

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4 hours ago, Texas Lizard said:

Easy fix...Flip phone....Keep life simple....


Texas Lizard



"Keep life simple."


And carry around a phone, calculator,  camera,  laptop,  etc. 

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My main concern is how many times I look up answers to questions about crime, murder, etc. as it relates to movies I've watched on T.V. :ph34r:
Expect the Feds to be knocking on my door anytime now. :o

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Or you could do like I do. Ask your crime related questions here. Then Marshal Mo Hare will think that you too are a murderer.

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