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15th Amendment

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Making a joke about the 15th amendment to my Dad went over like a lead balloon when I was a kid. 
My Dad said we should pick someplace to go one summer weekend. Us kids wanted to go to Kennywood Park, an amusement park in Pittsburgh. My Mom wanted to go to Ohiopyle Falls up near Somerset, PA.

My Dad agreed with my Mom (as he was a cheapskate)

I said “We should have a vote on it”

My Dad said something like “You kids don’t get a vote. My decision is final”

I said “According to the 15th Amendment everyone gets a vote, even us indentured servants.”

The 15th amendment sure didn’t save me from getting my butt beat for being a smart alec. :lol:

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Not everyone gets a vote from the 15 amendment! It did not include women of any color!


19th Amendment gave women the right to vote!

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“The right of CITIZENS  of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”


CITIZENS  being the key word here!!  Proof of legal citizenship should be REQUIRED to receive a ballot.  Perhaps to even be allowed into a polling place!

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