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Who Is Packing Your Parachute?

Subdeacon Joe

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When I was drag racing, I packed the parachute for my own race car.  I also packed the parachute for my partners’ cars because they didn’t trust themselves to do it right.


I refused to let anyone else pack mine and they refused to allow anyone else but me do it for them!


Never had a failure!  Thank you, Lord!!

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I don’t know if it’s still this way but in the early 80s when I was in Benning the parachute pack company for the 82 airborne trainees were in the floor above me so I knew all of them, they told me everyone of them had to put their name in every shoot they packed and any trainee could refuse to jump a chute and the person who packed that chute then had to jump it that day, don’t know if that was a fact but that’s what they told all of us

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All y'all are taking it very literally.  The message I got from it is to not ignore "the little people" who have your back or do the unpleasant jobs. 



Sort of like the story of the the janitor at the USAF Academy.  The guy pushing the broom and not mentioning to them that he had earned a salute from every man and woman, no matter the rank, with his Medal of Honor.  But until just by happenstance one of the cadets ran across his name in a book they all mostly ignored him.  After all, he was "just the janitor."

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