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Black Friday 2023

Lawdog Dago Dom

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Good to see that even with this inflation people are buying firearms. I think people instinctively know it is money well spent.

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Nearly a quarter million background checks in one day!


An estimated one million gun purchases every month for the last four years!! 

If only a third of those are first time purchases, that means that sixteen million new gun owners joined our ranks in just the last four years!!


I wonder if that many people joined Everytown??

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Politicians sell guns.  They have since they started the Saturday Night Special argument in the late 70's?  Remember that rant?  They went from Saturday Night Special to Assault Weapon, Weapon of War, Ghost Gun....  See the argument about a Saturday night special was they are cheap, meant for one thing and we don't want the proletariat to have them.


Not that guns are a great investment but if taken care of they probably hold their value as good as gold and they have some use and enjoyment value.  The relative cost of a gun has come down with manufacturing efficiencies.


On the other hand look at the rest of the junk we buy for Christmas and ask if it will even exist in 3-5 years.


They lost the basic gun argument.  over 50% of households have a gun.  Now they are trying to convince us the problem is cycle rate.  But they are still using the Saturday Night Special Argument with Ghost Guns aren't they?


It is simple, we should surely be allowed to have any gun that protects the Governor or President :o

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6 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Nearly a quarter million background checks in one day!


An estimated one million gun purchases every month for the last four years!! 

If only a third of those are first time purchases, that means that sixteen million new gun owners joined our ranks in just the last four years!!


I wonder if that many people joined Everytown??


How many more were bought by CHL / LTC holders that didn't have to complete the background check? 

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You forgot cop-killer exploding bullets.



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