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Had a Ball !

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I mix up my shooting with sometimes smokeless, sometimes BP [ real stuff ]

Last w'end at a monthly shoot  I mixed it up some more by shooting my ROA'S & then  smokeless in the rifle & shotgun.What fun, I had a great time, shot clean & averaged around 23 seconds for the 6 stages.

Always wanted to do it & will definitely do it again...have low profile hammers on the Armies & they worked perfectly.

I'd imagine a lot have done this but if not then give it a go, lot of fun !!

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Something that I do now and then is to load up smokeless for all but the last round in each gun! For the final shot in each gun, I load one of my really hot Black Powder rounds!


Reminds me that the gun is empty and sometimes gives the RO and the spotters a little thrill!


Other times, I’ll just slip in a single random BP round, just for kicks!  :lol: :o

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As I'm spending more and more time with my cap and ball revolvers, I think I'm going to hold off going full frontiersman for a bit.  I love the cap and ball guns, but cleaning them is a chore and I'd rather not have 4 guns to clean after every shooting session, so I think I'll keep Smokeless in the 92 for now, maybe phase in BP in my SG first since it's probably the easiest to clean and as it is a gun from 1900, it likes the BP...

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4 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Something that I do now and then is to load up smokeless for all but the last round in each gun! For the final shot in each gun, I load one of my really hot Black Powder rounds!


Reminds me that the gun is empty and sometimes gives the RO and the spotters a little thrill!


Other times, I’ll just slip in a single random BP round, just for kicks!  :lol: :o


I've done that a few times. Once had a shooter throw a fit because I was doing it.  Made me want to do it more often.


Most times I wait till the 2nd or third stage to do it. Really wakes up the peanut gallery when your shotgun goes bang, BOOM 

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