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What is a good load of Red Dot for a 38-40

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I just got a 38-40 Uberti - 4.75 in barrel.  I have a mountain of red dot and would like to use it up.  The bullet I am planning on using is a Cast Lead RNFP at 155gr.  I cannot find anything for 155gr.  Lots of 175grs, 158gr was 5.1gr.  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.


STL Suomi

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I load 3.8 grains of Red Dot in 44-40 200 grain. Same load for Cowboy .45 Special. Just opened a 15 lb keg so I’m good for about a decade.

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1 hour ago, Yul Lose said:

I load 3.8 grains of Red Dot in 44-40 200 grain. Same load for Cowboy .45 Special. Just opened a 15 lb keg so I’m good for about a decade.

I hope the both of us last longer than the powder! B)

Stay well and safe, Pard!

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