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New Fangled Side Match at the MA/CT/RI TriState Shoot

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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Howdy all.


There's gonna be an interesting side match at the Tri-State match in Harvard, Mass. this coming June.

For information about the shoot itself, look here...


For information about the side match, well, here's what's on the Website.


New Fangled Guns Side Shoot - Here is an opportunity to shoot some of those guns that were around in the Wild West, but aren't necessarily SASS approved main match guns.  There will be a Lever Action rifle category and a Bolt-Action rifle category. Then pick your two pistols and a shotgun to go with the rifle.
Any Lever Action Rifle that fires a bottlenecked rifle cartridge pre-1900. (example: Winchester 94 or 95 in .30-30) or
Any Bolt Action Rifle (example: US Krag, Enfield, early Mausers - "the G98 would be okay, but not the K98").
Two revolvers, but one of them must be a of pre-1900 Double Action design.
Shotgun pre-1900 design. (examples: Burgess, Spencer, Winchester 93 or 97 and Winchester 93/97 reproduction).
Cartridges and shot shells to be loaded with powder that is appropriate for the firearms used.
Lead Bullets only, rifles under 1,400 fps and pistols under 1,000 fps.
Any questions please contact Yankee (yankeesass266@gmail.com)


You can also ask me questions, I suppose.   After all, the side match was my idea, and I'll be "running" it the day it happens.   Giving credit where credit is due, a few weeks ago it was suggested here on the wire that if you wanted to have some kind of unusual side match that you should volunteer to run it yourself, so, I did.   An to my delight, the folks running the TriState decided to give this a go.   Looking over the rules as listed, yes, of course both pistols can be pre-1900 DAs.   Yes, the 87 would be an okay shotgun.   I was sure  I listed it, but must have forgotten.   Yes, you will load up the magazine of your shotgun before staging it.  No, you can't use your Broomhandle.    I hope it'll prove to be interesting.   : ) 


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How many shotgun rounds?


On the Enfield rifle:  what caliber would that be?  Can't be a .30-06 as in pre-1900, it hadn't been invented yet.

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Any word on the course of fire? Lead bullets in the bolt rifle might be a deal breaker as most folks with a 6.5x55 or 303 might not load them. If they do, they most likely would be gas checked.

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I load lead bullets in all my guns like this.   But yes, they are gas checked.   Normal SASS rules for long range rifles that use these guns in side matches allow for gas checks, so I don't see them being a problem in this specific side match.


Course of fire will be 5 shots from the rifle at a distance, not super long range, but a little farther than what you'd normally see with a main match rifle, 5+ shots from your shotguns to take down the shotgun targets, and you get "bragging rights" if you can knock all five down without having to reload, and then 5 shots from each pistol, in a sweep of the pistol targets.   Three different firing positions.



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