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Prayers Appreciated, another back surgery

Dirt Merchant  # 61422

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well Dirt we are tied now with 5 back surgeries

prayers heading your way for a speedy recovery!!!

sure going to miss you at the Siege

pray everything goes good




ps my secret to a speedy recovery, walk, walk, walk

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Dirt, let us know how you're doing! At day 17 I cut my pain meds by two thirds, and can walk full throttle. Can't run yet, but maybe pretty soon. Able to stay on my feet most of the day. Wear good socks and shoes, it'll take some of the jarring out of a hard surface or floor! Going in for another checkup on the 22nd, maybe he'll bump my weight restrictions up some. Keep us posted!


Hope my healing is as successful as yours. They are weaning my off the morphine pump now, been a bit of a bitch but going home tomorrow

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Dirt. Just saw this post. Best of luck Pard and a prayer has been offered. I'm one behind ya with two neck and two lumbar surgeries (too many parachute jumps in the Army well after my bullet proof warranty expired)!


I'm fused from C3-T3 and just had L2-L5 fusion this past June. As some have said, DON'T get behind on your pain meds, AND realize that if you are on opiate meds, they are extremely constipating, as in like concrete! I mitigated this by eating several dried prunes daily. It works!


After most recent surgery in June I needed a walker to get into and out of chairs. I currently have no lumbar pain but lingering weakness in legs, which is slowly coming back. I'm now able to do several sets of deep squats hugging a 25 Lb bar bell plate. Luckily at 69 I still have "young guys' knees."


Be diligent with your rehab and realize that YOU WILL GET BETTER.

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