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Potentially New Annie Oakley?

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My wife & I have been casually thinking about a CC pistol for her and went to the indoor range today. Her first time ever and maybe the third time in life she's ever fired a gun. She's been a bit nervous about firing one but wanted to try again anyway. We shot a rented S&W J-frame .38 revolver, my Glock 43, and my full size .45 Colt 1911.


The revolver didn't go well (for either of us) -- double action with an ULTRA hard trigger. She did ok with the little Glock for a rookie, but this is what she did with the 1911. Yes, that's five rounds in a 1 inch group on the one pic. Remarkable methinks, for a rookie with a big pistol.


I'm so proud :wub: and more than a little surprised. She had a great time.


Originally thought a revolver might be easiest for a newbie, but now rethinking that. Lot's of pistols to try ahead of us. Ultimately we'll go with what she likes, should she decide to get one of her own. Her decision.





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Makes you wonder what they were thinking when they made double action semi autos. When you want to shoot well you shoot single action.

your mileage may vary but I doubt it.

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