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Just a thought, if EOT Main Match is about 400 shooters . . .

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how about running 24 posses on two launches? With 400 shooters, that's 16-17 per posse, a good size to move quickly through the stages. Keep the schedule times the same, still shoot three days, and drop the third launch. This would keep the shooters off the range the hottest 3-4 hours of the day and give even the second launch time to collect themselves (shop, nap, shop, shower, shop, clean/fix guns, etc.) before the evening activities begin. Main match shooting would finish by around 1400 (2pm for you civilians).


Just a thought.

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I don't like it. As a black powder shooter I hate the earliest shift. Having to shoot at sunrise in no wind conditions facing east stinks. Start later in the day when the sun is higher in the sky and morning breezes have started. Drop the first launch if possible please! I can handle the heat. I wear a big hat, light colored clothes and drink lots of water.

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The numbers sure don't make it very enticing. I am at the end of Cattle Baron and my shooting buddy is a new Gran Patron. There are only 6 in my category and NONE AT ALL in his. It seems like one H---- of a way to drive from the BC/Idaho border to shoot against a handful, in my case, and alone in his case.


If the numbers don't make a very substantial increase, we are going to stay home and shoot locally. :-(


Having gone through the list, it appears that very few shooters are planning to compete. I am quite disappointed. I expect that there will be more entrants in the Idaho State Championship this August in Boise. That, at 550 miles, is sure a lot less tiring driving and a whale of a lot less gas money.

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The numbers sure don't make it very enticing. I am at the end of Cattle Baron and my shooting buddy is a new Gran Patron. There are only 6 in my category and NONE AT ALL in his. It seems like one H---- of a way to drive from the BC/Idaho border to shoot against a handful, in my case, and alone in his case.


If the numbers don't make a very substantial increase, we are going to stay home and shoot locally. :-(


Having gone through the list, it appears that very few shooters are planning to compete. I am quite disappointed. I expect that there will be more entrants in the Idaho State Championship this August in Boise. That, at 550 miles, is sure a lot less tiring driving and a whale of a lot less gas money.

I know what you're saying, I'm coming from New Zealand and there are three in my category but I still wouldn't miss it, it's the World Champs!!!

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