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Vintage Shot shell reloading

Come On Christmas

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My bud and I have started to collect some old school shot shell reloading tools.


I have a few 12 gauge roll crimpers. A 12 gauge decap/prime tool that stabs the spent primer from the bottom of the shell and pulls it half way out to be dispatched with a pair of pliers and a primer seater on the same tool.


I have not seen 410 bore, 20 gauge, and 10 gauge vintage roll crimpers are they available? I have a couple 10 gauge hand priming tools.


I know about the drill mounted modern day ones that BPI and Precision Reloading has.


Fun Tangent to explore.


Shameless Womanizer

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Several years ago I sold about 20 of those on the Classifieds. Found most of them on Ebay real cheap at the time. The only one I kept has an 1889 date. Still works just fine. I did have a 16 ga that I sold but you rarely come across them.

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I have a ten gauge crank roller shell closer tool, plus other tools to load shells for

my old H. Pieper ten gauge hammer double. The tools are not for sale, but I found these on e-bay a few years ago, so keep looking, they turn up now and then.

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There is a three part article on reloading old shotgun rounds with antique tools.


First one is here. http://www.brimstonepistoleros.com/gazette/mar08.html]Reloading Blackpowder Shotshells with Antique Tooling – No 1 by Red Sun SASS#635[/url]


The others can be found in the following three months.


April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

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Yes, I have used similar wording searches. I have one crimper that is a puzzle to figure out from a glance. I will report back. http://www.ebay.com/itm/370764886328?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649


This piece is from after the turn of the century. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=330737745


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