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I hope her colostomy bag explodes! :angry:/>/>


that is gross mann


I only hope that her continuants become better informed

O000000000000 wait


Where is she from?????????????/


I hope that California succeeds from the union first

Just why are they hanging on


What do they expect from the feds any ways




just think folks

if we get ca and ny to succeed

all of us win

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I know we have all heard it dozens of times and done it over the years.

This is much more extreme with the Presidents organizing for action,we need to be heard.

I have provided a sample letter that can be copied and pasted,edited and even a link to some Founding Fathers 2 nd. Amendment quotes that can be used.


Dear Senator


Dianne Feinstein is doing everything she can to use the tragedy in Connecticut as an excuse to force gun control on the American people; and


Whereas: By definition, criminals don’t obey laws and new gun control laws make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families; and


Whereas: The Second Amendment clearly states “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”


Whereas: Second Amendment supporters like myself strongly oppose – and will be paying close attention to any Member of Congress who votes for – new unconstitutional gun control schemes;


Therefore: As your constituent, I INSIST you oppose any and all new gun control schemes.


This is what our President.first President thought:


Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor .















Some of the Founders 2nd. Amendment quotes to personalize.






Let your voice Be Heard ! Adios Sgt. Jake

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WHO NEEDS an assault rifle anyway besides Americans that wish to protect their lives, property and freedom? I have an idea........enforce the LAW and stopping letting repeat offenders out early! That won't stop the crazies but it SURE would reduce the overall crime rate drastically.


Their true intent "should" be so easy to see for anyone with their eyes open. The same folks that "care" so much and want to protect us from evil inanimate guns.....also are the SAME folks that make excuses for criminal behavior, are against the death penalty, and let repeat offenders out early (because of over crowed prisons) to prey on the innocent people of American again and again.


Sounds like they really are concerned about our wellbeing.......lol. So, let me get this straight.....they let violent criminals out early, won't punish the ones they catch and send them back out to prey on innocent law abiding citizens.......and now they want to dis-arm the LAW ABIDING citizens and deny us the rights to protect ourselves while tramping on our Constitutional rights.........it US that should be up in arms for letting anyone even have the nerve to suggest this crap.


Oh, all of this while THEY hide behind armed body guards. Then they push a broken down health care system on us....make us pay and yet they are exempt from that too.......It's far past time we throw all these folks out in the street to get rid of the ruling class snobs and get folks that represent the people.

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just think folks

if we get ca and ny to succeed

all of us win


The disease has spread a lot further than that. Hawaii has a few crazy bills coming up also:

HB30 - Firearms; Ammunition Sales or Distribution

SB36 - Firearms; Permits; Registration; Storage; Education and Training

SB219 - Firearms; Assault Weapons; Machine Guns; Ban

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molon labe (come and take them)!

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Came across this today and it just reinforces what I think is going to happen if we don't act,together.


The American gun owning public is being duped again, just like we were duped the two weeks before the election when we were convinced that Romney was ahead by several percentage points. The media, including our "friends" at Fox, Drudge, and other "conservative" outlets, are attempting to sell us the concept that the "assault weapon ban" legislation can't pass, and this is a lie. We are told that Bill Clinton sternly warned his party that they will be punished in the mid-terms, and that the NRA is "too powerful" for any real legislation to make it through congress. This is also a lie. Behind our backs, the political machine is crafting public opinion in what have become the majority voting blocks to convince national and state legislators that they are safe for the next election… and they are safe. American gun owners didn't show up in force for the last election, and we are not feared as a voting block any longer. Don't be a fool and believe it when they tell us we can't lose. We are going to get beaten again if we don't act. And this time it isn't a slippery slope. This time they are going to outlaw an entire class of guns with no loopholes. If you are reading this you are probably a gun owner of some type (or you are desperately trying to buy your first gun before they ban them), and you may feel that we are "preaching to the choir." But there is also a 90% chance that YOU HAVE NOT CONTACTED YOUR LEGISLATORS to let them know that you are strongly against any kind of weapon ban, or any increase in our national or state gun laws whatsoever. Let Your Voice Be Heard ! Don't Tread on Me ! Sgt. Jake

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Sgt. Jake, I hear what you are saying about contacting your legislators, but, in some situations, it is futile. Here in Orygun, for example, both of our Senators and 4/5's of our Representatives are elected by the high concentration liberal, urban areas. Regardless of what the rest of our state (meaning us conservatives) want, they will, and do, listen only to the liberal left who keep electing them. I've written several emails and a couple of snail letters during the last several months to all of them, as well as many of our state elected. None of the liberal-supported have shown any indications of even hearing what I, and many others, are saying. We just do not carry enough votes to even concern them. Doesn't mean I'll stop trying, but I do now recognize what an uphill battle it is, particularly if we wish to make a "sea change".

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Sgt. Jake, I hear what you are saying about contacting your legislators, but, in some situations, it is futile. Here in Orygun, for example, both of our Senators and 4/5's of our Representatives are elected by the high concentration liberal, urban areas. Regardless of what the rest of our state (meaning us conservatives) want, they will, and do, listen only to the liberal left who keep electing them. I've written several emails and a couple of snail letters during the last several months to all of them, as well as many of our state elected. None of the liberal-supported have shown any indications of even hearing what I, and many others, are saying. We just do not carry enough votes to even concern them. Doesn't mean I'll stop trying, but I do now recognize what an uphill battle it is, particularly if we wish to make a "sea change".



I know ,in the state I reside in,of our two senators one is native to Vermont the other is a carpet bager from Brooklyn N Y .

He calls himself a Socialist,I call him what he is a Communist.


Our one and only congressman calls himself a Progressive,again a Communist,from Mass.


I know exactly how they will vote,they will vote against the Constitution and the American people each and every time.


All that said I think I can commiserate with you,does it stop me from writing,e mailing,calling them to express my views. Work against there reelection each and every time,not on your or my life.


I have not yet begone to be heard,Thankfully we still enjoy that Freedom although if we loose the second Amendment don't count on it.

Adios Sgt. Don't Tread On ME Jake

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I know ,in the state I reside in,of our two senators one is native to Vermont the other is a carpet bager from Brooklyn N Y .

He calls himself a Socialist,I call him what he is a Communist.


Our one and only congressman calls himself a Progressive,again a Communist,from Mass.


I know exactly how they will vote,they will vote against the Constitution and the American people each and every time.


All that said I think I can commiserate with you,does it stop me from writing,e mailing,calling them to express my views. Work against there reelection each and every time,not on your or my life.


I have not yet begone to be heard,Thankfully we still enjoy that Freedom although if we loose the second Amendment don't count on it.

Adios Sgt. Don't Tread On ME Jake


Right on brotha' Jake! Call a socialist a socialist and a commie a commie! I suspect there's a few on this "WIRE" here. The NH White Mountain Regulators will fight side by side with you Green Mountain Men any day of the week!

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I would offer this as a example of the effectiveness of contacting ones representatives,locally,state and federally.




Last night was the first broadcast of the Vermont This Week

on Vermont Public Television. One of the events of discussion

was S.32 being withdrawn in the state senate.


This show host and moderator, Stewart Ledbetter, cited the high

volume of telephone calls at the state house, virtually all opposed

to S.32, as playing a major factor in Senator Baruth's decision to

pull the bill.


Vermont This Week is a panel discussion of the moderator and

three Vermont journalists of the important public events or issues

of the week. The journal panelists and the subjects vary from week

to week.




The media at the state house and members of the legislature are

well aware when elected officials are getting public contact on a bill.

The Sgt-at-Arms office has pages bring pink telephone messages

to legislators when they get calls.


Very little goes unnoticed in the Vermont State House and such

telephone calls arriving is quickly common knowledge to all.

Your telephone calls and E-mails to elected officials do work.




This statement also came today from the NRA ILA.



Posted on January 24, 2013


State Senator Withdraws Semi-Auto Ban Bill After Your Calls and E-Mails Overwhelm his Office!


Last week, state Senate Majority Leader Philip Baruth introduced Senate Bill 32 , legislation that would have outlawed the manufacture, possession, sale and transfer of thousands of popular semi-automatic firearms and would also ban ammunition magazines which hold more than ten rounds. Thanks to your calls and e-mails, Senator Baruth withdrew this bill from consideration within a week of its introduction.


This does not mean that the fight is over. Senator Baruth and other anti-gun legislators have made it clear they plan to pursue this type of legislation this session. In the meantime, please continue to watch for alerts from NRA-ILA and visit our Vermont Legislative Update page as we continue to keep you updated on firearm-related legislation.


Let me explain,Vermont has a Democratically controlled



Legislature House and Senate

Lock Stock and Barrel


So when one thinks it's hopeless to contact ones elected representatives,don't talk your self in to being complacent, Let Your Voice He Heard,Loudly and Often ! Adios Sgt. Jake

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