Savvy Jack SASS#76698 Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 I do not need 25 cases, just two pounds of GoexFFF and Swiss FFF. Anyone around Valdosta have any to spare? I can get the 25lbs for $498 but that is just way too much for now. I'd never use it all. HOWEVER, if someone around here wants to pitch in then we can work out a deal.
Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 If you do get some pards together to order a case, may I suggest taking a look at Powder Inc. I just purchased a 25# case of Goex for $340 shipped to the door.
Yellowhouse Sam # 25171 Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 I do not need 25 cases, just two pounds of GoexFFF and Swiss FFF. Anyone around Valdosta have any to spare? I can get the 25lbs for $498 but that is just way too much for now. I'd never use it all. HOWEVER, if someone around here wants to pitch in then we can work out a deal. You might even be a member but check with the Brushy Creek Muzzleloader Club up the road at Lenox. I don't know who the Prez is now but I stay in contact with a couple of the members and they might be needing some powder too. If its just Goex you want, should be able to get it from PowderInc for around 12 bucks a lb in case lots.
Savvy Jack SASS#76698 Posted December 16, 2010 Author Posted December 16, 2010 Hey Sam...I can get some Skirmish from some local ML clubs. I'll check and see if its the Lenox club! I still have some skirmish for cas and shotgun.
Doc Windshadow Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 if you do manage to get a group together may I please recommend the Maine Powder House Also I now only use the Swiss 2 1/2 f in my paper patched 45-90-540 loads for my 1885 I now use Schuetzen fff in the .45 colt 250gr big lube and when I run out of 16ga black powder I think I will go with Schuetzen Reenactor Powder I think the Schuetzen fff burned a lot cleaner in the .45 colt but the cheap stuff is fine for the SxS scatter gun. for the price difference the Schuetzen is almost as good as the Swiss brand for anything other than very long range (600 yards +) Note that his prices are shown including the S&H*Haz costs but are based on a 25 lb order also note that he is happy to mix brand and grades in an order as well if you do call him you will find he is an amazing resource on all aspects of BP lore cheers Windy no connection other than as a happy customer
Pay Dirt Norvelle #90056 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I happen to belong to a Civil War reenacting group and as treasurer I pay the bills. For 25lbs of FFFg we paid $253.75 and that included shipping. That was from Powder Incorporated in Clarksville, AR. You might check that out if you haven't bought yours yet and maybe a geoup of you can get together to buy it.
Fairshake Posted December 17, 2010 Posted December 17, 2010 Jack, The pards are giving you the correct info. When you look at the Powder Inc site you have to remember that all prices include both shipping and Haz-Mat. A case of Diamondback is just $253 for 25 lbs. The actual cost shown on the invoice is only $8 and something. Total works out to $10.16 a pound. With the other powders they sell you may buy 5,10, 15 and 20 pounds or the 25 lb case. For some reason they require you buy the Diamondback by the case. If I had to guess the reason I would say that they have a over stock on hand and this is the way to reduce it.
Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 Posted December 17, 2010 Posted December 17, 2010 Anyone ever used diamondback powder? How does it shoot or compare to Swiss of Goex?
Hal A. Looyah #83098 Posted December 17, 2010 Posted December 17, 2010 A fella named Bob Folsom is a well versed primitive muzzle loader in Valdosta. He was in years past a part of the Lenox club, and I suspect he still is. He could give you some direction. He is a fine shooter and a all around good fella. Good luck.
Tuco Forsyth #72674 Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Anyone ever used diamondback powder? How does it shoot or compare to Swiss of Goex? I've shot DB FF in my shotgun for the last year and for the price I like it. I rate these powders as: Swiss is special, Goex is great, DB is good.
Rye Miles #13621 Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 is the best place for powder. Decent prices and they're not too far from ya. 25# won't cost ya anywhere near $498.00 a case.
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