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Korupt Karl - update 12-8-10

Widder, SASS #59054

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Yep, KK is still a nut.


He had me laughin out loud on the phone this afternoon talking about his recent health situations and doctor visits.


He had been telling me about some headaches he was having and needed to see the Doc. Naturally, KK was concerned.


Anyhow, he goes to the Doc and discovers that some of the pills prescribed had gotten mixed up with some other 'stuff'.


The Docs conclusion was that KK had gotten his Aspirin & Plavix mixed up with Viagra & Rogain.


He told the Doc that he had been wondering why he was waking up in the morning with his Hair sticking straight up and lookin like Don King. :D:D:P


KK said he was glad to be home and able to walk his dog again. Said the dog was REAL GLAD.


Anyhow, he has been cleared to drive and plans to head towards Florida soon and The Last Stand. Said ifn he don't feel like shootin, he can atleast work and hopefully help out as a Berm Marshal.


What a Pard.


God bless ya KK!




Widder....YOU ARE A SICK PUPPY...... but on a serious note, I am released to drive and the headaches have pretty much gone away. I still get tired very easily. I am up to walking ten blocks with the dog and it gets better every day. After a couple months in Florida I should be back to my normal sick self but until then I'll let Widder take the reins.


Merry Christmas all and thanks for the continued prayers.



Widder....YOU ARE A SICK PUPPY...... but on a serious note, I am released to drive and the headaches have pretty much gone away. I still get tired very easily. I am up to walking ten blocks with the dog and it gets better every day. After a couple months in Florida I should be back to my normal sick self but until then I'll let Widder take the reins.


Merry Christmas all and thanks for the continued prayers.





You better be getting well cause I'm not going to have any gunfighter mercy on ya! :FlagAm:




BW: looks like he's tryin to imitate one of them Pink Flamingos down in FLA.


WOW, what a shirt!





Widder - what makes you think telling us KK is a nut is news? heck, we all knew that! :FlagAm:


Karl, seriously, I'm very glad to hear you are on the mend and I hope you have a great time in sunny Florida.


I knew a Korrupt Karl


Rather nice gentleman. A good dresser too


Then he got a bunch of new friends


He started drinking to the wee morning hours, cigars and wearing Chung Lee's curtains for shirts


And the fratinization with female species. Gambling too!


I'm glad to call him friend


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