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Calling All Dammits

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:wub: Dat's 'bout right---'cept y'all fergot one thing real importint---the 'S' !!!


I think it should be LOLS-Dammit ;):D



Cupcakes you are right on the money. How could I have let that slip by? lol



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:wub: yer welcomes

My thoughts exactly!


LOL is the first one that popped into my mind.

Ya know, me thinks there will be a lot of possibilities here....


Since Deja is still 'offline' I will let ya know she has found a home (apt) in Riverside 'bout 10 minutes from the range.... and right around the corner from her work.


She got moved in this AM with some help from a group of young guys in the complex, seems she makes friends very easily!!


In my usual perfect timing I arrived in time ta move the big screen and the stand...


Looks like she will make her first appearence WED after 5 PM...





Are you all talking about a probationer Dammit?


The only one I heard about was "Pole Dancer" Dammit......yes there is a story......no it won't be on the wire.



Ya gotta get 'em in person!





I am sure she will earn just the right alias when the time comes. It took a good bit before Cranky got her's remember. Course if she hangs out at the MSM with Easy Emily and Allie's sister, that name might could come along real darned fast.

Lucre dammit gave me one right away and it is not changing!



What is it? I've forgotten.


PSST <whisper mode on> Don't talk like that. They will take it as a challenge to come up with something you don't like. <whisper mode off>




No E - D!


mmmm peach long island ice tea

I think I could drink that! Sounds yummy, Yummy!



I order a long island with peach schnapps instead of sweet n sour, 7-Up and a splash of coke to make it look like tea

I order a long island with peach schnapps instead of sweet n sour, 7-Up and a splash of coke to make it look like tea


Belly up to he bar, ladies!



I got no schnapps in the 5er.


Terry took out the simple syrup & sweet and sour.......so ya basically got


Scotch, Rye, Vodka and Tekillya.....and a bunch of margarita mix.




not to worry LLC yew dun need to fiz ever'thin


ladies have their own secret stash

not to worry LLC yew dun need to fiz ever'thin


ladies have their own secret stash






So that means yer bringing brownies?


male and female?



Keep Howdy away from mine, please!




So that means yer bringing brownies?


male and female?



Keep Howdy away from mine, please! You best watch out for him for sure. I didn't get any last time. I'm comin' heeled this time to make him dance if he tries it again.

The only good thing about the yellow hat was we could follow him as he tried to escape with all the brownies!

Maybe I should bring the Rat Dog, I think she comes from a long line of brownie trackers? lol


yep I'll bring male and female as usual along with cheesecake brownies and


my award winning peanut butter cookie dough brownies, maybe chochipccuky dough brownies too :ph34r:

yep I'll bring male and female as usual along with cheesecake brownies and


my award winning peanut butter cookie dough brownies, maybe chochipccuky dough brownies too :ph34r:





You know us, what ever you want to do is fine.


Bring what you would like....everyone else will have some of the other stuff as it tastes pretty good.


Me, personally I would not waste my time on anything other than your brownies......


The other stuff is good, but it sure the he77 ain't your brownies!


As long as RAT is a trained retriever, not a finder and eater....she is welcome




yep I'll bring male and female as usual along with cheesecake brownies and


my award winning peanut butter cookie dough brownies, maybe chochipccuky dough brownies too :ph34r:



Note to self, bring bib. :ph34r:

Note to self, bring bib. :ph34r:


Forget the brownies cowboy, you'll have guns to clean. (silent mode:::While Howdy is cleaning the guns, I'll get my first Yummy-D Brownie)

Forget the brownies cowboy, you'll have guns to clean. (silent mode:::While Howdy is cleaning the guns, I'll get my first Yummy-D Brownie)


Clean guns? Yeah right. I am going for patina. I'll get my first Yummy D Brownie huh? Jeepers if I had known that I'd have saved you one. Never had one of her brownies? You poor thing. I just might save you one then.

I just noticed that once again some fool has gone and done it. They are takin' a vote on legalizing marijuana. This is gonna be good. I figure this will pass by a huge margin whether they actually count up votes in this state or not. Land of fruits and nuts and now grass. At least you get a booklet explaining everything that has a spanish version in it too. That proves the prez wrong right there. The nation is not a majority of Muslims after all. Other wise the booklet would have been in punjabi, swahili or the like and to find the english version you would have to look in the back of the pamphlet.

Anyhoo, what I was getting at before drifting off into never never land is, this. If Yummy D gave us the recipe and then agreed to run our corporate office, then JJ-D and Holy Sh*t Dammit could add on a little of that northern california sensimelia to the recipe and we could sell brownies like they sell coffee at starbucks. I am perfecting a method right now that will make it a snap to light up a brownie. Even Col. Sanders never got his first finger lickin chicken sold until after he retired at age 65. I am already way past that and you look like you are.


Seeya alls tomorrow in the Beverly Hills of the Inland Empire. Drive carefully, remember others out there drive like you do. Keep yer powder dry. Don't forget yer ballistol and a clean pair of shorts. Manana amigo.


:ph34r: :ph34r: :blink:

Guest Winchester Jack, SASS #70195
The rule has always been, ladies first.


When it comes to Yummy D's brownies......





























FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Sorry MM, you're on your own on this subject.

she will just have Easy Emily run interference for her


glad y'all like 'em :ph34r:


not to worry--- I'm baking now in between posts and there will be plenty to go round.


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