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Texas Joker

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Everything posted by Texas Joker

  1. Pocket prybar does not look like it has enough leverage to do much. I agree with pointy part could hurt. Bottle opener for travel I have some of these
  2. It's kinda cool when you 4473 at the LGS with a VERY common name and the guy is like yea, yea, I dunno. Looks at me and says are you the one with the secret clearance? And I'm like yep... I know I'm on lists
  3. He was a 'special' just like SOG gets a pass when in the field, I can see certain 'undercover' work requiring less than garrison trim. And I knew a couple guys that had to shave morning and lunch and still had 5'oclock shadow.
  4. Some people think a backpack full of MRE's and camping gear is a bug out bag. I like a bag with 10K and cash and a Passport.
  5. Depending on where this happened if the car and title never change hands there is no need to retitled. Sounds like you had both shock and a mild concussion. Get a lawyer. if they made a pain and suffering offer it is settled that you are due, now you're just dickering on price. If you accept their offer that's it all said and done. Somewhere in the paperwork you sign will be a statement that says something along the lines of: While we are paying you this money You accept that we claim no liability and going forward. There will be no liability against us.
  6. After a certain point (rank) everything is political. They couldn't prosecute or cashier but there are other ways to make disfavor known.
  7. Dicks has long guns and ammunition. Mostly shotguns, no pistols or EBR's At least ours did before it shut down last year
  8. There are also tetherless options. Triggered by force or GPS proximity. Lot if racers use them. The vests inflate with collar/helmet stabilizers
  9. You can leave you just can't get back in
  10. Judging from the location of her left shoe she is not in contact with the bike. Either a stunt team or pre calamity pick
  11. A total of 2, 4 year terms or 10 years. If a sitting president dies and the vp steps up to complete the term of 2 yrs or less he theoretically could be elected to office twice
  12. They have to make sacrificial french toast to appease the snow gods as near as i can figure. Or they make french toast and throw it on their driveways to melt the snow. Never made sense to me either
  13. When working up a load change only 1 thing at a time. Shoot your strings the same way. Start strings with the barrel in the same condition. Keep a log and find out what yours likes Before you shoot a load drop some primer in the pan and flash one off to clear the hole and burn off oil in the barrel. I prime with my loading powder and only put a couple grains (weight) in the pan. filling it over the touch hole will slow your lock time. Have fun making smoke
  14. This is what my week looked like. 5 forecast on 4 days From potentially 14 inches of snow to barely enough to cover the ground in reality
  15. We have term limits: they're called elections. For some reason Professional Public Servant (Master) has become a requirement for the job. It's deemed a good thing to have avoided working outside the government in election season. 'My opponent lacks experience in government offices Also the &NC selects potential candidates in our unofficial 2 party system not the public
  16. My 99 cent cost $1.27 I lacked a sarcasm font. Math says at least 28% inflation
  17. I have realized most of my head cannon prices are way off these days. I kinda treat it like I'm travelling and have to price things in a foreign country. Gotta buy lumber, car parts or a motorcycle? ALL of the prices make no sense historically. Large pistol primers are on the shelf but at $12 a hundred. Yea that's a jump. And inflation is only 3%
  18. Starting about 7:15 https://youtu.be/VRjgYIbioa8?si=TzUv5T4ED4upK8gR
  19. Have you considered the size ans heat conductivity of body piercings? I used at least an acetylene torch for silver solder. And have scars from pieces I touched while soldering. So any human that sits still to have a 'ring' soldered on is just too hard core for me. And logically if you have to solder it closed so they can't remove it, doesn't that answer the question?
  20. I have had stoner weapons jam from dust and sand in bounding overlap training. Having to open the weapon and wash it out with my canteen to continue course of fire. The point of that demo was to introduce a foreign object in line with the magazine and notices. This demonstrated that one has ftf stoppages and the other doesnt. The tolerances on the 2 weapons are nowhere near the same. In real world instances a handful of sand renders one a very poor club and the other rarely even notices.
  21. That's just the first step to the potato digger
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