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Dusty Boots

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    SASS, NRA Life member, hunting, family, Old West...the order changes depending on most fun or most trouble

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  1. I took my now wife to look at a for sale Vespa with a sidecar… she still married me. Would have bought it if I had known she was going to say yes!
  2. This makes me wonder how a Scandinavian raccoon would do it…would he just give, and leave them in the sink.
  3. The same Ruger SBH 44 mag that was listed by him, is also listed in Texas Gun Trader. Photos here and on that show the same serial number.
  4. Not to side track the topic, but do you feel the Mag Na Port 1) reduces recoil and to what extent 2) reduces muzzle flip and to what extent 3) the results justified the cost and probably depreciated value, I know this is very subjective.
  5. If I was single…we would be dating.
  6. I think she said, I am going to grow old with 9 cats.
  7. You are right, the dog look nervous.
  8. I never thought of that…thank you for making me feel normal.
  9. When I first read it, I thought it the n in queen was an r…it is disappointing either way.
  10. I must disagree …nothing makes me look better, but whiskey makes her look better!
  11. And it is still true today!
  12. And neither will you!
  13. Where are the rest of the pages?
  14. I am not sure…but I think if you microwave your kids…you are a terrible parent. I am not sure…but I think if you microwave your kids…you are a terrible parent.
  15. Better at last call than in the morning.
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