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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. But the NFL STOOD BEHIND IT. IMHO, any player participating should have been immediately dragged off the field and kicked out of the league. But the NFL allowed it to happen. If they'd have stepped up and at least "The NFL understands that players have the freedom to do that, but as an organization we disapprove", I might have a different opinion of them. But they said "We approve of our players doing this." They STILL haven't demonstrated any disapproval of it, it's just lost its headline drawing ability.
  2. They won't if they think that they will make money off of them.
  3. They would stop it if FANS said stick it, we are sitting the season out. But they keep going to games, watching them on T.V., and buying their products.💩
  4. Like I said, a bunch of white liberals with not enough business of their own to mind.
  5. These things, along with Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and the Indian girl on Land O Lakes butter weren't offensive to people that they represented, they were offensive to white liberals who didn't have enough business of their own to mind. They decided that these symbols should be offensive and that they knew that better than the people represented by the symbols. I stumbled on another video today on a black guy's channel saying that blacks were proud of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Bens, and because of the people on the label, those were the products they bought. But white liberals know better.
  6. Get rid of the Lego spaceship and you're down to $50.
  7. He was also the head Bad Guy, John Fain, in "Big Jake".
  8. Jeff Bridges might as well have been saying, "Your mother wears combat boots".
  9. A couple videos about the Washington Redskins going back to that name because American Indians LIKE it.
  10. I "suffer" from I don't need anything bad enough to put up with getting up early and fight the crowds to get it.
  11. How about the people selling cars that take pictures in shadow, out of focus. Or from across a parking lot.
  12. The thing I hate about remakes, is that nowadays, whoever is remaking it wants to do it the way THEY think it should've been done in the first place. They put "their spin" on the story. Usually with some DEI thrown in, which ALWAYS detracts from the story. It usually winds up not being as good as the original because people LIKED the original. They want to see a remake with the original story, not a different story with the same name. Perfect for instance. "The Fantastic Four". The version from 2005 was fairly close to the original story. I don't know what is generally thought of it, but it was at least popular enough to get a sequel. The 2015 version though, OMG what a piece of crap. Literally the only things it had in common with the Source Material, (comic books) was the names of the characters and their powers. I watched it when it came out on cable, and once I did, I determined to NEVER do so again.
  13. Road Trains are standard stuff in Australia.
  14. I've spent some time driving through the University of Arizona area. Try hanging around someplace like that!
  15. Yeah but there's plenty of them that really make them look good!
  16. Either of these work extremely well on wood paneling. I'd use these with the original holes.
  17. AOC is stupid EVERYWHERE. (Think about it)
  18. I can understand something like that. We do the same watching our shows. I'm referring to the guys that come into work Monday crowing about how "WE" did in the game yesterday. Or the guy that wears a team jersey everywhere. The guy that paints his car or house, (I've seen both, but houses I've seen were in the Boston area, notice a pattern there?) in team colors. In short, people who's entire life seems to revolve around being a fan.
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