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Territorial Governors
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Everything posted by McCandless

  1. Changing the cylinder on the clock is do-able, keeping the barrel downrange... but you'd have to cap the cylinder on the clock. If you don't care about time and just want to do it for fun. Cool. Watch where your front hand goes when firing, keep it back to your shooting hand. The blast from the cylinder gap will sear your arm... plus if you do happen to have a chain fire... well, that could leave a mark.
  2. Sounds like my experience with Remington "1858"s. That fun moment while the palm of your hand is being branded and you pause in your shooting string long enough to maintain your coolth before pressing on!
  3. Before I knew any better, I used to pinch caps to keep them from coming off of stock nipples during recoil. Then years ago I discovered correct replacement nipples and proper fitting caps. Haven't pinched caps in the last decade or so... I don't see why anyone would want to load percussion caps on their cylinders off the gun. It's a pretty simple affair to stick them on properly at the loading table. I use my fingers instead of a capper, (personal preference), and if they need seating, seat them with the eraser of my trusty number 2 unsharpened pencil.
  4. When buying commercially reloaded ammo, there are 2 prices. 1st price is when you buy the initial order... figure 31.99 a box of 50... then there is the 2nd, less expensive price when you send them back the brass and have them reload it...16.00 for that same box of 50 So, you're reloaded ammo gets cheaper after the initial purchase. Here's a link: http://www.tenxammo.com/files/Shooter_Direct_Pricing_100120162.pdf
  5. I think this is the last pair of larger size I have left. Never got around to shortening them.
  6. well new to me... "In A Valley of Violence" (2016) It hits just about every western cliche, but Ethan Hawke and John Travolta look like that had fun doin' it, just chewin' up the screen. It has the feel of a Spaghetti Western. Interesting assortment of guns, just a few Colt Peacemakers, not a single '92 or '94 in sight! Good to see that we've had a long string of Westerns the past couple of years. Keep 'em comin'! https://youtu.be/nFD4f1_eZno https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/in_a_valley_of_violence/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3608930/
  7. Still cleaning out my Cowboy Closet of items I don't use or don't fit anymore... Black Shotgun Belt. 56" long overall, 6 holes 52" and 53" to middle holes. 2" Wide. 5 pair of Single Loops holds 10 Shells. Nickel Clipped-Point Buckle. Ledge built inside the loops to keep shells up and handy. Made by Jim Simmons, Baird TX. I don't think I ever used this belt. So nearly new. Solid and Supple. 75.00 includes Priority Mail shipping to CONUS 48 anywhere else, slightly higher. Thanks, ~Duc~
  8. Howdy, continuing to clear out my Cowboy Closet of stuff I don't use or doesn't fit anymore. FS: This is two pair of pants. First is a pair of Wah Maker Old West Style pants. 100% Heavy Cotton Suspender Buttons, Button Fly, High Waisted They have not been shortened up yet. Size is 48 Waist x 35 Inseam with a 16" rise. 100% Cotton, Made in USA Ready to fire on Union Lines, charge up San Juan Hill, or a hard day at the range. pretty darn close to a Civil War museum pair or a Spanish-American War Uniform and Included is a FREE pair of SASS-legal Dickies Denim Jeans. 40.00 includes Priority Mail Shipping anywhere in the US Thanks ~Duc~
  9. This is pretty much a faithful replica of the 1873 issued Single Action Army (but with a better cylinder pin retaining screw).
  10. Selling off some Safe Queens that deserve to be used: FS: Cimarron Firearms 7th Cavalry .45 martially marked 7-1/2" barreled SAA by Uberti Black Powder Frame. Walnut Grips with "OWA" cartouche. US marked on Frame F Co.7Cav stamped in bottom of Grip Frame. Pistol is in Excellent Condition. With Box and all papers as well as Oglesby certification. Blue/CCH and customized by Oglesby & Oglesby Gunmakers, Inc. with Action Job, Lapped Barrel, Forcing Cone re-done. Trued Barrel Crown, 2-1/2-3lb Trigger (clean break, no creep) Variable Rate Springs and fitted for Black Powder Use. from the Cimarron Website: George Armstrong Custers 7th Cavalry Model. The Custer 7th Cavalry Model is a very accurate copy of the first U.S. Govt models of 1873. These early firearms are inspected for ordinance by civilian inspector Orville W. Ainsworth, shipped to Ft. Lincoln and used by troops of the 7th Cavalry under the command of Gen. George Armstrong Custer. Each authentic firearm is properly marked with Ainsworth inspection markings, OWA Cartouche, 2 line patent dates and U.S. on the frame. Stamped into the butt of the backstrap is the company and 7th Cavalry markings. Production of this model is limited to 2000 units each of the 5 companies (C,E,F,I,L) that will perish under Custers command at Little Big Horn. 650.00 plus shipping to an FFL that can accept from a private individual. Thanks, ~Duc~
  11. I'm probably going to sell the .45 I bought from the Custom Shop 7-1/2" BPF with beveled cylinder. I bought a pair of .38-40 from them and I'm going to stick with those. They do darned good work, you just need patience.
  12. Yep, he said he talked to the Custom Shop and they got them out a little faster than the usual 2 years. He also got a price break from Eagle Grips and El Paso Saddlery. Seems like us "normal" folks would have to do the full wait, and pay full price for our grips and holsters. Oh well.
  13. That's how I load HBWC to shoot in my .36 cal percussion pistols. Makes for a highly accurate BP round.
  14. Same to you my friend! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, and a Happy, Healthy New Year! ~Duc~
  15. Congrats on your cap guns! I have a few myself. The Piettas are just the ticket if you're going with extra cylinders. They won't break the bank and they're readily available. With all my Italian percussion pistols I broke them down and stoned the slots for the hand and the bolt. Uberti, Pietta, Ami San Paolo, Armi San Marco, they all had burrs and roughness in the slots. Check to see if the sides of the hammer rub against the frame as it falls. You night have to relieve a bit there too. When buying extra cylinders, try to stay with new ones, or ask the seller if they are the newer-wider slot cylinders or not. The older guns had a narrower bolt and a corresponding narrower slot for the bolt stop. Good shootin' and Merry Christmas!
  16. You have to send the guns to them: ATF&E Firearms and Ammunition Technology Division (FATD) for a formal classification. FATD 244 Needy Rd., Martinsburg, WV 25404 Our Division does not make determinations based on drawings, photographs, written descriptions, or diagrams. In order to render an appropriate classification, please ship the physical item and any supporting information to the address above. Please ship your item to FATD with a prepaid return shipping label with tracking for the return of your item (providing shipping account numbers, instead of providing a trackable prepaid shipping label, will not be accepted). https://www.atf.gov/firearms/curios-relics
  17. Readers’ Choice: Ruger’s Vaquero Best Cowboy Action Rifle Uberti’s 1873 Winchester This must have been heavily influenced by advertisers. The Vaquero and 1873 are the only place I could agree with them... and I own Smokewagons and an 1887. ('87 the best CAS shotgun and Readers Choice an '87 ?? There's a few folks that run it really well... but it's not the overwhelming choice of all shooters)
  18. The low price is deceptive, this is a darned good pistol! Thoroughly reliable, feeds just about anything 9mm. I haven't been able to make it jam with any factory-made round or my 9mm reloads. Easy to work on should you desire any upgrades. I put an aftermarket trigger and springs in mine (MA compliant Trigger), Tritium sights and a metal guide rod, wider slide release. None of that is necessary, just felt like it. None of the upgrades are expensive and they are widely available. Oh, and capacity is 16+1 BTT
  19. When I flew to EoT I shipped my ammo ahead via UPS. Like has been posted here, Hub, ORM-D, Adult Signature. It was .45 Colt ammo and Shotshells. That much weight, the cost at the time was about $25.00 I don't know what the rates are now, I know from the stuff I've sold on the Classified Wire that shipping fees have gone up.
  20. The only advantage to going shorter is if that's what you use for your pistols and you just want to load one one case size, one bullet size for everything. This way if you load Schofields for you pistol, you can load Schofields for your rifle too, etc.
  21. Wish I had some barrels, you could do a complete caliber change!
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