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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. I don't wonder about Alpo. Seems like normal curiosity to me. I just wonder where he finds all the time to watch all of these tv shows, read all these books and watch all of the movies that he posts about. As far as hairy female armpits are concerned, many women of European and Asian countries do not shave, or wax, their armpits. Hairy female armpits aren't a turn on in my book but I'm neither Asian or European either.
  2. Just a helpful hint. If you want to see their waxed underarms, ask them to surrender.
  3. Before I answer, a little background. I worked as the 'ground guy' on a 65' reach bucket truck for an electrical company repairing parking lot pole lighting and such for 3 years. Some of these parking lots had people arriving in Lamborghinis and some had people stealing shopping carts when they left. I heard a lot of bs stories from a lot of grifters over those years...you could tell by the way they approached you. I never trusted strangers anyway, those years reenforced that mistrust 100 fold. No, I would never hand my cell phone to a complete stranger for any reason. Based on my own assessment of the person asking, I would either call the number myself (as Blackwater said) or tell them to beat feet. For emergencies, sure, of course, I'd call 911.
  4. Does this mean that if your parent goes into a "nursing home", that their home is no longer their primary residence?
  5. I'm glad this thread was started, that way I know which states/counties/jurisdictions to NOT relocate to or buy vacation property at or near. I knew several locations, like CA, had crazy property tax laws but I'll say that I'm surprised by some locations also. I get riled paying for some of the items listed on my tax bill but geez, a lot of ya'll have it much worse (so far) than I do. Hard to complain about the color of my shoes when I see a man with no legs. I was told a while back that you really never own property or residence, paid off or not...I come to believe that to be true.
  6. A right-hand draw on her Ruger LCP, appears to be a right-hand draw in the knife, holding the pump handle with her right hand...but her fit watch is on her right wrist. Right-handed people usually wear their watch on their left wrist. As far as being young again, naw...she's old enough.
  7. I dunno about that...that guy with the furry hat and baton is scary.
  8. Can't be real, there's a UFO, a large dog AND a barn disguised as a tree in the picture! Like the sheep said, "Don't be blowin' smoke up my *** and telling me it's climate change."
  9. I never saw that in Heather Locklear...either time.
  10. At 400, it really doesn't matter anymore...does it.
  11. Kind of explains the entire "Wait until you see the whites of their eyes" thing...doesn't it.
  12. Come on man...don't try pullin the wool over my eyes...
  13. Homeowners insurance costs have gone thru the roof in Florida. Now Citizens Insurance (the insurer that people are forced to go to when no other companies will take them or are outrageously expensive) requires all policy holders to have flood insurance also...regardless of elevation. This requirement is being instituted in stages beginning with those near the coasts. If the escalating insurance costs continue, we'll be forced to go without insurance or at least hurricane insurance. As far as condo's go, many of the high-rise condos are situated directly adjacent to salt water. Many of these building have never been maintained properly and many were built shoddily during the 70's/80's when building inspectors were notorious for accepting bribes and payoffs to "look the other way". I've seen giant cracks and fissures in main foundations and structural, load bearing columns in 20+ story condos that are right on the beach. One 20+ story condo had a 15' X 10' room on the second floor that housed the water softening equipment. The poured concrete floor of this room completely 'rotted' out (rebar, concrete, water pipes, electrical conduit/wire, everything) and fell into the parking area below. I repaired the electrical portion and they put (basically) a "permanent" band aid on the rest of it. Everytime I used to go into these condos that I knew were damaged, I always thought "Well, if it collapses, I won't feel anything, but I'll just be a bunch of goo by the time they find the remains" and that was well before the collapse in South Florida. There are some places on Sand Key in Pinellas County that I'll never go to again now that I don't have to for work reasons. Back to the dilemma that Marshall Troop posted about. The doubling (mol) of taxes in 4 years is outrageous. M.T., have you contacted the county/city to inquire why the taxes have increased so dramatically? Has the property been reclassified in any way such as rezoned or had Homestead exemptions denied? Something just doesn't seem right in both your case and the couple you mentioned.
  14. Age, alcohol and drugs haven't done her any good...AT ALL! Then again, I sure as hell don't look like I did in the 80's either. I'll still go the '80's Locklear.
  15. Is this in Florida? Something doesn't ring right. Mine has gone up every year but doubled...Not even close!
  16. Some still do, myself included. I use them in the rifle w/3.2 gr. of Alliant Bullseye and a slightly long seated 158 gr. RNFP bullet. Pistol is 2.9 gr of Alliant American Select with a 122 gr FP bullet. I use a taper crimp for both. I am also a current SASS member.
  17. Drop the d from "gondopore"
  18. I can see it now...color options - Dillon Blue. If the trucks would come with the Dillon guarantee, Dillon Blue or not, I'd buy one.
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