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Everything posted by Alpo

  1. Well, since he could not pronounce Hila River, nor Too-sawn Arizona, and I'm going to assume that he also could not pronounce the river in South America and it is not plate, like he said, but is Plah-tay, as I've always presumed it was.
  2. Barney Miller episode. Housewife was bored with her life, so she decided to go play prostitute. Just once. See what it's like. Got busted. So she's trying to pay the fine so she can get home before her husband gets home from work. Barney's trying to explain to her that it doesn't work that way, but she's not listening. She keeps offering him credit cards. "Master Charge? Bank Americard? Bloomingdales? Come on, everybody takes Bloomingdales."
  3. That's not a short barrel rifle. SBR is a distinct legal term. If that gun has a 45 conversion cylinder in it, it is an SBR. But if it has the black powder cylinder - it's just a pistol. NFA does not apply to pre-1899 "not firearms".
  4. Quite memorable piece of dialogue. What happened? I came home one day and caught my wife in bed with my best friend. What did you do? I shot her. Shot her? He was my best friend.
  5. He is also "anti-getting shot". In the 60s he went to Sweden, where he got a job as a PE instructor in a girls school. Kept him out of Vietnam.
  6. This is a very neat thread. I like the video. I like the PDF. But I wish they had a picture of the file. I really would like to see a file that is both small enough to be considered a monopoly piece, and large enough to be useful.
  7. Should I do that with my cup measuring cup, my pint measuring cup, or my quart measuring cup?
  8. For certain sure don't want to drop the soap.
  9. The stolen suitcase story reminded me. Woman said that during one of the frequent New York garbage strikes, she would take her trash and put it in shopping bags and leave it on the seat of her unlocked car. It was always gone by the next day. In Mad Magazine one time there was a strip about a woman taking the garbage out. She dumped the trash can into a Bloomberg's shopping bag, and was taking it out to the can at the street. And some kid came running by and snatched the bag out of her hand and kept going. She automatically was yelling STOP THIEF, when someone asked what he got, and she realized. "My garbage."
  10. Now if it was a bit part, they could either write it out of the show or replace the actor. But a main actor. I was watching an NCIS last night. This guy was not making it on his day job, so he started selling guns out of his house. Fully automatic AKs and RPGs. And when they have him in interrogation he explains that he could not cover the bills with the money he was making doing whatever he did. And Bishop says, "So you decided to start selling death machines?" I've known for the past 20 years that NCIS is anti-gun. Everything that comes out of Hollyweird is anti-gun. But if Miss Wickersham happened to herself be pro-gun, and when she saw the script said "hell no I ain't going to say that crap", I wonder what they'd do. Probably just cast another actor for that scene. Have Torres doing interrogation, maybe, or McGee. I remember when Lethal Weapon 2 came out. There was a big discussion about whether Mel Gibson was pro-gun or anti-gun. There were these anti-gun/anti-NRA posters hanging all over the police station in that movie. And on the one side you had people saying that that proved he was anti-gun, and on the other side there were people saying that this was just a job and his personal feelings didn't matter. My thought was that if he had told them to take that garbage down or he was not going to do the movie they would have taken the posters down. It's hard to have a successful sequel when you have to recast the parts. Look at George of the Jungle and George of the Jungle 2. 2 did not use Brendan Fraser, and it was almost straight to video. Nobody watched it. Can you imagine Terminator 2 starting Stallone? Or Rocky 3 starring Ahnuld? Sidetracked myself, didn't I?
  11. I've seen a lot of "sidewalk closed" signs around here. It's where the city is doing repairs to the sidewalk, so they have closed it to prevent pedestrians from walking on the wet concrete. Or even better, to prevent bicyclists from riding through the wet concrete.
  12. I was in a pawn shop one time, and the owner was telling a story about a customer. Woman comes screeching into the parking lot, jump side of the car while it's still bouncing back and forth from how hard she hit the brakes, and ran in the store saying she needed a gun. "I need a gun! And a bullet!!" When she wouldn't explain he declined to sell her anything, and she ran out and jumped back in the car and peeled off down the street. About 5 minutes later a deputy sheriff's car comes screeching into the parking lot and a guy wearing just a deputies uniform pants and a t-shirt come in asking if they had seen such a woman. They said she had been there. That she wanted to buy a gun and one bullet. "You didn't sell her one did you!??" They told him no, and he went out and jumped in his cop car and charged off down the street. Couple days later they found out what was going on. She was his wife. Came home early and caught him in bed with his girlfriend. If I was in her place I would have wanted two bullets.
  13. We know this was not drawn by a Canadian. Look at what that left hand guy is wearing on his head. A beanie?? Riiiight.
  14. I thought he had had too many intoxicating spirits and that's why he was irrigating himself. Isn't that what he said?
  15. You say you are irrigating yourself? You are incontinent?
  16. Seems like there's a few people here that have been or still are corrections officers. The prisoners' clothing - how often does it get changed, how often does it get laundered? I remember reading about a military stockade, in the 60s. The prisoner would get up every morning, strip his rack, then wash his bedding and his uniform, and when his bedding and his uniform were hung out to dry he then would make his bed with clean bedding and put on a clean uniform. This was done every day. They did this on their knees on the concrete floor with a scrub brush. It was part of their punishment. Somehow I can't see the prisoners at Folsom on their knees with a scrub brush washing their jumpsuits (probably be considered cruel and unusual these days). But I did just suddenly get to wondering how often they were changed and how often they were washed.
  17. I'm gonna have to disagree with that statement. 20 rounds a second is 1200 rounds a minute. That is Ingram M10 9 mm fast. That is German MG42 light machine gun fast. That is faster than just about any other fully automatic firearm in existence. And in a standard Glock 17/18, it is totally uncontrollable.
  18. Hey!! I resemble that remark!
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