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Blackwater 53393

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Everything posted by Blackwater 53393

  1. Scenes from the legendary Possum Trot!! And Schoolmarm in her shootin’ days!
  2. There isn’t a discrepancy in the book in this case. In ANY category where Gunfighter is part of the category or subdivision name, you may not use revolvers with adjustable sights! You may use revolvers with adjustable sights in any category except those where “gunfighter” or “frontiersman” are part of the category title. This also means that you can’t use revolvers with adjustable sights like the Ruger Old Army or the “Target” variety of any other cap and ball revolver that has them in Frontiersman or any subdivision thereof. (I was composing this when PaleWolf chimed in!)
  3. It won’t be long, the way things are going in Illinois, before the police officer might as well be naked!! Well, maybe he/she’d still have to wear the body camera, so not entirely naked!! These idiot legislators keep removing tools from the officers’ belts and refuse to do anything constructive about criminal activity!
  4. Shifting foot when I drive a stick or ride the bike! Had to put the “heel ‘n’ toe” shift pedal on the bike because I can’t raise my toes much on that foot, (partial paralysis from spinal damage) so now I just lift my whole foot and hit the appropriate end of the pedal. I put running boards on the old gal more’n twenty years ago when I decided that it was better suited for cruising than it was for thrashing. I bought a Buell White Lightning for thrashing at around the same time! 😜
  5. Hopefully, this small but important ripple will become the next wave to sweep the freedom loving states of our nation and one day wash this plague away in our nation’s congress!!
  6. AGAIN!! LIES! DAMNED LIES!! AND STATISTICS!!! The tools of nefarious traitors seeking to undermine our freedom and circumvent the Constitution!! Facts taken out of context, numbers skewed by those collecting them, half truths, and tall tales made up of whole cloth! It’s the old “there’s a little truth in every lie” thing that gets the uninformed, the undereducated, and the simply gullible to go along with the agenda driven narrative of these culprits!!
  7. Very well stated!! It would have been more helpful if the instances referenced were detailed in the article!
  8. “IT’S NOT MY FAULT!!” The first words out of anyone’s mouth that is unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions or lack thereof!! They won’t do what they need to to fix their own problems, so they blame those problems on someone else and then try to turn a profit doing it!!
  9. DRIVEL!! LIES AND OBFUSCATION!! The very first argument was that today’s armies wouldn’t attack their own citizens! The only thing that is preventing this is how the laws are written and what outlaw/criminal obeys laws?? Too much idiocy, spouted by “useful idiots” and those who seek to undermine our freedom!!
  10. I usually flash the headlights to warn oncoming vehicles of ANY type of problem ahead! Backups, accidents, breakdowns, and police vehicles are all reasons to let someone know that they are approaching a potential problem! It’s a matter of courtesy and might help someone avoid real difficulties/danger!
  11. Rossi Valentino Rossi is a former motorcycle racer and race car driver.
  12. NOW!! Let’s get to the nut cuttin’!! I did my weekly foot doctor appointment this morning!! After a little more than two years, I’m finally getting to start walking full time! as of today! We will begin modifying my other footwear to accommodate the changes in structure and to compensate for the foot drop that’s a result of nerve damage that causes partial paralysis in the ankle and toes. That will begin in two weeks, the first time I haven’t had to be back there in a lllllonnnnng time! THE BAD PART!! I won’t be able to make The Crap Shoot at Ponderosa Pines next weekend, at least not as a shooter. The new skin is still just a little too thin and tender to take a chance on that much activity. Doc would like for me to take it a little slower. Give it another couple of weeks and build up to shooting. I CAN get back into the shop and I can walk that new dog once in a while! I really wanted to go shoot that match!! I might still drive up there and send a round or twenty down range!! ONLY A MINOR GRUMP FOR NOW!!
  13. Cheatham County Animal Shelter/Control. She’s had her shots and she’s spayed. They even had her chipped and we got that registered. Because they were doing an adoption drive at a nearby shopping mall, they only charged $25.00 for the whole shebang!! She’s already gotten pretty well acclimated to the house and she’s really great when traveling with us!!
  14. The floggings will continue until morale improves!!
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