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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Everything posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. So, wondering ~ for those who've retired, at what age did you pull the plug? And for those who haven't, at what age do you intend to...?
  2. Sixty-Four....?? BW, you're a KID~!!
  3. Yeah... I didn't think it all that funny either... but I CAN relate.
  4. I can relate...
  5. I love it! Followed by a smile and a heartfelt "And by the way... Up Yours!" And speaking of "and by the way's..." By the way ~ anyone who wouldn't recognize Allie a a girl ( ) is blind, nuts, or from San Francisco!
  6. So what the heck is this "fixed stock" mentioned in the article that makes AR- type rifles non-assault types...?
  7. That is sad almost beyond belief.
  8. Good 'un, Shadow...!! "The Great One" speaks!
  9. I'm reminded of the time in San Francisco (where else?) when I walked into the break room at work... three female-type persons were seated at a nearby table; I smiled, and said "Good morning, ladies..." At which one of 'em turned, glowered at me, and snapped "We are WOMEN! We are NOT 'ladies'!" I smiled again and responded "Well then... I reckon you aren't at that," and walked away.
  10. Sometimes it don't pay to try to say something nice. Steve Martin blasted for tribute comment on Carrie Fisher Oh well...
  11. Well? Was he? Sassparilla Kid really surprised me with a couple of antique Stanley planes (a block plane and a Bedrock jack plane), and a cool hardwood mallet to accompany the Stanley Sweetheart bench chisels from last Christmas. I'm happy!
  12. *Ahem* Back 'bout the middle seventies a buddy and I shared an apartment in Pacifica. On a whim, Bill and I decided to take a ground school class down the road a bit at Skyline College. Now, it just so happened that Bill's girlfriend was from a little town up on the Russian River. Both her parents were doctors, and for fun her dad and brothers had an old Cessna 172 they'd bomb around in. Which was very cool, as we were invited to come up and "play" with her brothers and the aeroplane. Well, it seems that big brother thought "yours truly" had some sort of natural affinity for flying; heck, landing that thing was like pulling into my driveway. Or so I said to "brother." Shoulda kept my mouth shut. Next thing I knew, over lunch the brothers and Dad told us about this gyro copter they'd built. It was all ready to go - or would be as soon as they installed the engine! And they had a plan! They wanted to haul it to the airport (an old Army Air Corp training base with very little traffic) for "test flying." The plan was, they wanted to strap in some sandbags the same weight as the engine for ballast, then tow it down the runway behind one of the bro's Jeep and "kite" the thing for some test flying. And Golly Gee, Hardpan... we'd be right honored if you'd accept the honor of being our "tethered test pilot!" Huh! Well, wonders never cease! As young and dumb as I was even back then, I had enough sense to politely decline...! But I do still find 'em kinda fascinating.
  13. Uh... Uno? Put yer spectacles back on... that's no way to talk 'bout the young lady...
  14. A Christmas tragedy.
  15. Now there's a thought, Loophole...! Comparison... "Whisky In the Jar," first the classic rendition by the Dubliners, then Metallica's interpretation. Interesting...! Quite a juxtaposition...!
  16. Well whaddaya know! Metallica Singer Leaves Bay Area Because of "Elitist" Attitude Metallica's James Hetfield said, "'I kind of got sick of the Bay Area, the attitudes of the people there, a little bit,' he said. 'They talk about how diverse they are, and things like that, and it's fine if you're diverse like them. But showing up with a deer on the bumper doesn't fly in Marin County. My form of eating organic doesn't vibe with theirs.'"
  17. It's an odd-looking, but still cute li'l booger! Cruises at 90 mph... http://www.autogyrousa.com/pdf/Cavalon_Brochure_2013.pdf
  18. Can't understand a word she's saying on the radio, but sure looks like fun.
  19. I ordered a regular T and a long-sleeved T for Sassparilla Kid as stocking stuffers... and in the package was a nice li'l note, a couple of "Rock or Something" decals, and a green plastic "army man." I thought that was kind of a nice whimsical touch!
  20. Take yer hat, Bob... s'posed to rain on Friday. But it'll be a balmy 56° in the afternoon. Safe travels to ya, and a Merry Christmas!
  21. Installation by a Chrysler engineer, undoubtedly!
  22. I waited 'til the Kid got home to finish... he had to climb into the engine bay and sit on the fender to reach the %*&^# distrubutor and plug in the new wires - there was no way I could reach the thing, even standing on a step stool. Knotheads put it on the backside of the engine, under the firewall overhang. When I asked the guy behind the counter at the parts store for the rotor and cap he just gave me a blank stare... and said "I don't think anything that new [2001] uses a cap and rotor. That should be all electronic!" He was quite surprised when he looked it up.
  23. I used to love that illusion when I was a kid... It's actually called the "wagon wheel effect."
  24. And in the old movies when the horses would run the wheels would spin backwards.
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