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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. I had no idea the Eagle wasn't officially the National Bird. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/nation-and-world/biden-signs-a-bill-officially-making-the-bald-eagle-the-national-bird-of-the-us-3256105/
  2. Yes and Evil Roy also. There are several other movies called Hell to Pay.
  3. I saw it, I bought the dvd. The sound was horrible as well as the acting. I thought it was a terrible movie. Just MHO
  4. About 20 years ago we had some Carolers in the neighborhood. They were a group from the Methodist church behind us but another group took over that church soon after and there no more Carolers.
  5. To me Mortadella is just an expensive bologna!! 😂 It’s a little different, a little spicier maybe. My dad used to get it along with capicola, prosciutto and salami at the Italian market.
  6. At Christmas dinner today my son brought up Christmas Carolers, haven’t seen them in years! Have any of you had a visit by and Carolers?🎄🤔
  7. A little foggy here too but it burned off and we had a GREEN Christmas 🎄 Mg favorite! I hate snow!
  8. To me hot dogs are a lot like bologna and no one has a problem with ketchup on a bologna sandwich! Hmm..or is it baloney and Catsup?? I forget!
  9. I don’t know what they meant by “unregistered guns”. Ohio does not have registration. It would have to have been Class 3 weapons or the writer of the article doesn’t know what he’s talking about! Maybe he was prohibited from owning firearms period!
  10. I like ketchup on hot dogs and burgers. I’m not a fan of mustard never was. It gives me heartburn ❤️‍🔥
  11. There was a guy here that had several big cats, lions and tigers that he let loose and terrorized the area until they were caught. The dude killed himself! https://nypost.com/2011/10/19/owner-kills-self-sets-wild-animals-free-in-ohio/
  12. THE CROCODILE not Paul Hogan!! https://www.thewrap.com/crocodile-dundee-animal-actor-burt-dies/
  13. I saw a girl in Christmas pajamas at the mall yesterday! If she wasn't so darn cute I would thought it was weird!
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