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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. Send me a message or an email Or call me ) and we can talk.
  2. Right! it's bad enought to get a ton of paper crap every few months.
  3. I've heard for years about getting documents from manufacturers about guns, but have never before had much interest in it. I've recently gotten ahold of a 1908 Colt .25 auto. The Blue Book has it listed at about$400.00, but they only made 800 the first year and by the end of the second year it was a total of over 22,200. Final count when they finally went out of production was a total of nearly half a million. This one has a 60xx serial number. This is a good solid gun in very fine mechanical condition, close to 95%. The frame is 75-80% with very little rust and / or pitting. The slide is suffering from "drawer wear" with some places nearly without bluing and the rest faded away. Over all it's a fully functional little novelty piece and I'm thinking that somewhere is someone who'd like such a low number gun so I'd like to get a Colt factory letter telling about this little toy and maybe come up with a decent box of the same age before I go trolling around. I'm fishing for suggestions if you please. Thanks.
  4. Looks like "the powers that be" are pretty free at telling people how, when, where, etc to spend their own money. Dictatorial government seems to be growing at an alarming rate on all levels.
  5. Second Place Winner: 1.5 million bucks, a year old Mercedes Coupe, 5 grand every month for the rest of my life, and free car insurance for year. I'll buy every one of you folks a fine dinner....as soon as their check clears my bank. (BTW, my bank, like every other bank in the country, is closed for Memorial Day), but this dipwad on the line didn't know that. Didn't speak my language very well either. Now, I'll be the first to say that I'm losing a marble here and there, BUT I AIN'T TOTALLY FEEBLE-MINDED YET!! My BS alarm went off early but I stayed on the line just to see what would happen next. A lot of red flags" Said I had won the PCH Sweepstakes...which I haven't entered since about 1965 Didn't speak English very well Didn't know the banks are closed on Memorial Day Wanted me to give them $1012.00 for the IRS Couldn't pronounce my name All I could see was SCAM! in really big letters. Sorry about dinner, but I'll be eating at Sally B's tonight. (You can join me but I ain't buying. )
  6. I' have decided to go ahead and use the MWSG-17 logo. Now I have to find a 1st Log Command shoulder patch or a 2nd Log Command pin so my display won't be all bent over. That should be much easier,
  7. Sure it is. It gives us more experience so we can tease more difficult marks.
  8. Why would it be? Almost nothing worth mentioning is legal behind "the lost cause curtain"anymore.
  9. It most certainly was, but my old "burned-to-the-bone" memory has lost a lot, and so called "progress" has destroyed some of the physical items and places that made it so much better.
  10. How often does this happen? What time in central Arizona?
  11. When stationed on Okinawa in 1966-1968 we didn't have a lot of money so we cruised around the island from historical sites to just plain fun sites. I worked as a supply officer for a Nike Hercules-HAWK maintenance unit that was atop the west side of what was called Item Pocket during the war. It had been hard fought and here were literally tons of unexploded ordnance still all over the island. There were caves all around the inside of the pocket so that when you were shooting at the cave across from you one your own people might be shooting back across the inner circle at you. It was brutal. Less than five miles away to the north east was Hacksaw Ridge, now called the Urasoe (Ur Rah so way) Escarpment. We went to almost all of these sites. And Desmond Doss was well known and even remembered by some as the man who was a Conscientious Objector who didn't believe in killing and wouldn't touch a weapon, but managed to rescue 75 or more men from the ridge under almost nonstop fighting while he was wounded by gunfire and grenades himself. This was all a scant 21 years after the war ended. Battle damage was still evident all over, He was, and as far as I know, still is the only CO to earn the Medal Of Honor. Watch the movie. It's a BRUTAL but accurate depiction of battle and as far as I can find out factually accurate for the most part. I'd have to recruit a platoon to get enough thumbs up for this one.
  12. I'll bet those are all a bitch to clean. I real $hi--y job.
  13. I have had the galloping gombuie a time or fifty or more. Never heard of epizootic.
  14. Foolish waste of money. On the other hand, don't tell me how to spend mine and I won't tell you how to spend yours.
  15. My dad bought Mom two identical sets of china and silverware soon after they were married. Years later I did the same thing for my wife based on Dad's logic: " the patterns change every few years and you'll never find a replacement for any that get broken or lost". After my parents died my sister called me to tell me that she had been given the sets, an had inventoried them. The original paperwork was with them and of all that china and silver only six pieces were missing: a lid for one of the gravy boats both of the creamer lid a tea cup saucer one of the serving forks a jam / jelly spoon (which apparently was eaten by a disposal grinder) A half dozen of so pieces of china had small chips but are still functional and Mom had a kept a butter knife with the end burned off from the time I stuffed it in an electrical outlet. I don't recall that ( was only about two or three years old) but it my be why I'm goosie as hell about anything that has an electrical current running through it. Family motto: "use it up wear it out, make it do or do without."
  16. Where did they find a brass vendor? I would have thought they were all flesh and blood humans like everyone else.
  17. The 'Mossie" was one of my favorite planes when I was a kid. I seem to remember that at one short time they were the fastest planes in the war.
  18. I came home from the grocery store this morning with an almost uncontrollable urge to put my stash away and go back to see how many people I could slap the $h-- out of before the cops showed up to take me away ha ha hee hee ho ho to the funny farm where the.........well, you know the rest.
  19. Don't you dare! Save those chilis for one of several hundred recipes that don't involve seafood....like almost any kind of Mexican dishes, hamburgers, breakfast scrambles, some Italian foods, Cajun stuff, even a few recipes for steak.
  20. My wife worked for an attorney who had been a bombardier on B-24s. He had been shot down and captured right near the end of the war. He couldn't stand Germans but strangly enough married a Japanese woman.
  21. Close. MWSG-17was our "parent unit" and our crest was shaped the same but was a gold/tan color and had WERS-17 in rust red color. The diamond shape was the same size, but the wings were something else and we didn't have the stars stars around that. That's the part I can't pull out of my memory. Some sort of tools maybe. It's been about 52 years ago and I might not even get what I wrote above right. We had a huge Butler style metal warehouse that was mostly empty storage with four offices and a head along one outer wall and two offices and a break room with cots and a couple of tableson the opposite wall. The walls were bare and the place wasn't insulated. That part of Japan is right on the water and winter temperatures were often well below ZERO. We had eight tiny Herman Nelson fuel oil stoves to keep warm. THAT I REMEMBER VERY CLEARLY ( thought I was going to freeze to death) but that emblem over the door eludes me.
  22. Steel trucks didn't give enough traction from the smaller engines so the kept the rubber tires which followed the front trucks. Some had a metal single axle rigid truck behind the rear wheels, usually something small like the ones on the hand cars.
  23. They do? Pat, I think you met my wife, and while she was most unarguably female and feminine, capable of turning heads of guys half her age, she could still kick most guys butts until she got older. She'd argue her point with anyone, had challenged men to a fight and told them to choose their own weapons, raced sports cars that were D womens' class in mens' C class and stayed in the top three most of the time and only stopped racing when the club told her the insurance wouldn't cover her when she was pregnant. She was also a champion class bowler, a volunteer instructor in handling violent patients at the Army hospital at Camp Kue, Okinawa before they changed the name of the place, and earned a diploma from a school on Okinwa and a bunch of awards in Ikenobo Ikibana Japanese flower arranging, got her BS degree at the age of 59 with a 3.8 GPA, was a paralegal who went to court as a client hearing representative when her boss (a well known and very successful lawyer specializing in personal injury and worker's comp) found that a member of the BAR wasn't required. She was very well known in Southern California. When I was a Company Commander she was the "CO's Lady" and took charge of everything that was needed including helping my men's wives and daughters when necessary (weddings, baptisms, fashions, party planning, etc.)and being a shoulder to cry on for the men and their families. Pretty? YES, Petite and little? At five foot eight and 155 pounds, NO, but she carried it all perfectly. I went with a 5 feet nothing 101 pound red haired girl in college. It didn't last long because I was always afraid I'd break her. I always preferred bigger, well-padded "squishy" girls. One was a blindingly beauitful Texas redhead who was 6'2" and weighed in at about 175. She had four brothers her size, That didn't last long either because I was afraid she'd break me. I always leaned toward redheads. Sometimes I leaned harder than others...and yes, my wife was Irish and Scottish and French.....and she had red hair And just for the record I NEVER fawned over any one at anytime for any reason.
  24. I am SOOO jealous. One of the very few things I miss about California is the fresh sea food. Some of the others are my friends that I'm unlikely to ever see again, some amazingly great restaurants (many that were mostly unknown to anyone but locals and people like me and the Grumpy Lunch Bunch), the Grumpy Lunch Bunch, a few museums, and some little "back alley" shops that had some really great stuff...but I doubt that most them are still in business. Oh, well, I'll just sit here and moon over your fresh fish. Let me know how it turns out.
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