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Starline Brass just posted the following article on one of their social media pages. Even though the article is a year old, it was a good read. After you click on the link you click on the magazine cover and move through it page by page.


Starline Brass Featured in Inside Firearms Magazine | Rifle, Handgun, and Pistol Brass

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2 hours ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Just wish they still had the factory tours.

I asked about that.

Comes down to people showing up for work.

They are so busy filling orders with what personnel they have, pulling someone off the line for a tour group would back things up.

And they do want their customers orders filled ASAP.

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3 hours ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Just wish they still had the factory tours.


'Bout twenty years ago a couple of pards and I took our young teenage sons pheasant hunting at some club up in Butte County.  We came out of the field early afternoon, and after cleaning our birds I suggested a side trip to Oroville ~ home of RCBS.  Grand idea, all agreed!


So, about an hour or so later, we walked in the front door and were greeted by a nice lady behind a counter or desk or some such furnishing:  "Can I help you gentlemen?"


"Why, we hope so!  We're here for the tour!"


She gaped at us for a moment, then stammered, "but we haven't done factory tours since back in the nineteen eighties!" and suggested that we settle for a visit to Huntington's Sporting Goods, right next door.


Well, we were disappointed about no more RCBS factory tour, but Huntington's was terrific!  Founded by Fred Hungtington, who also started RCBS, it was extremely well stocked with hunting and reloading supplies (especially RCBS!), in a museum-like setting.  The place was full of hunting trophies and mounts, many of which were Fred's.  Very cool indeed!  That visit was definitely an acceptable consolation prize.  :)


Sadly, though, Huntington's is now gone... closed late summer of '23.  :(







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1 hour ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Starline is owned by Sierra Bullets, and just across the street from them.

They too stopped the tours I'm sure for the same reason.


Starline Brass is a family owned business. It was originally founded by people connected with Sierra Bullets but at no time has it been owned by Sierra Bullets.


Sierra Bullets is currently owned by JDH Capital.  They also own Barnes Bullets.

Edited by Sedalia Dave
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