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Rossi R92 45 colt Lyman 17 size


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Hello new to the forum but i have used the forum for info plenty of times and its much appreciated. I have a rossi r92 45 colt and I'm adding a Lyman #2 tang sight. I don't know what size Lyman 17 sight to go with for the front. Before I d/t the tang I figured I'd ask and see if any of you have done this already and know what size I need to run for the front sight. I was thinking the Lyman 17aeu at .464.


Thanks in advance!



Howdy Neil,


I can't help you with the #17 sight height, but I can offer some experience. When I started back in the dark ages, I mounted a Lyman tang sight on my "73. I was just starting out and was very slow (still am I guess), but a couple of knowledgeable shooters suggested that I just use the tang sight for long range. I was told that for my main match rifle I would be better served with the barrel sight. It turned out that I picked up some speed that way. I'd stick with the mid sight for main match purposes. When we shoot long range, I'm pretty competitive with the tang sight, but it stays folded down any other time. 


Rev. Chase


Will this rifle be used in SASS competition? 

If so, you really don't want a tang mounted sight.

For target shooting, go for it.

Call Montana Vintage Arms and see what they say about the front sight.


No competitions, just hunting targets from range. Don't care about speed. Thanks for the "answers" lmao


My thought is why not go with the same as the sight that is already there?    Then you keep the option of using the original sight.      GW


Never liked Buckhorn sights. Plus if I use the original dovetail it's a ways down the barrel and the rossi 92 is top eject so i cant extend over the receiver. I've looked into skinner sights and they are too far down the barrel to get a good view. I've also plugged my safety and I'm not going to add a safety peep sight. I guess it's my preference and not sure why that matters. I'm looking to see if anyone here has added a tang sight to their rossi r92 45 colt and what size front sight they used. I'm guessing no one here has done it.


I use an AHB (.404") and it works fine.



7 hours ago, Neil said:

Never liked Buckhorn sights. Plus if I use the original dovetail it's a ways down the barrel and the rossi 92 is top eject so i cant extend over the receiver. I've looked into skinner sights and they are too far down the barrel to get a good view. I've also plugged my safety and I'm not going to add a safety peep sight. I guess it's my preference and not sure why that matters. I'm looking to see if anyone here has added a tang sight to their rossi r92 45 colt and what size front sight they used. I'm guessing no one here has done it.

Think there is confusion here.   What I meant was go with the same height Lyman 17 as your existing front sight already on the gun       GW


Neil, for the rear I am using a Marbles Improved tang sight base (991001) with a short height post (990100).




Howdy Neil,


I had another thought. This has worked on some of my rifles. Sight the gun in well with the standard sights. Then when you mount the tang sight, set it up looking right through the current sights. That takes care of windage and you can elevate the staff for distance shooting and fold it down for close in CAS work. The foregoing saves a lot of ammo when trying to get the windage right.


Rev. Chase


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