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Anvil Music

Subdeacon Joe

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Facebook is frustrating. Aside from the groups that you might want to follow but you need to be a member to follow them, there are so many places that they don't have a website. They advertise on Facebook. I suppose because it's free whereas a website cost money.


So I do a search, and it says it's on Facebook and I click on it, and it goes to Facebook and there's a big block there with an X in the corner, it says I need to log in. Or join.


Sometimes clicking on that X will make that block go away and I can see what I've come to see. But other times it won't. And I can click and click and click and click, and the block stays there.


They really really want me to join.


Ain't happening.

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1 hour ago, Linn Keller, SASS 27332, BOLD 103 said:

Worked for me!
Delightful, many thanks!


Thanks.  That guy with the sledgehammer is a brute and a veritable machine. 


Darned good anvil,  too


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