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It's a Trap!

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They built turkey traps similar of sorts! Dig a shallow ditch tapered down on one end. Put a topped fence/cage over the other end of the ditch and spread corn along the top edge under the cage. The turkeys will walk down the ramped ditch and jump up on the edge to feed. It never occurs to them to jump back down to get out! Another is to take 2" or so square wire fencing and support it on posts at the corners about 18" off the ground. Spread corn under it. When the turkeys  stick their head up, they don't pull it straight back thru the hole they stuck it up thru! A clean swing with a machete and dinner is awaiting. Found these in an old publication from the 1800's. I tried the last one once to see, minus the machete! It worked, but took 3 of us to lift the fence off of over a dozen scared turkeys.:lol:

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17 minutes ago, Texas Lizard said:

Question...How do get them out and ready for the dinner table...Seems like you reach in for one and two fly out....


Texas Lizard

My understanding on the ditch one was to go in thru the ditch and grab one at a time. The picture IIRC showed sort of a log structure built over the ditch and a person could pretty much get in there. The pic had a plank over the ditch on the entry end and they just keep moving around in the upper level. The other one,after the machete swipe, they weren't flying anywhere! Our trial one was a pisser releasing them a few at time cuz the keep bending forward and ya had to just keep lifting until some popped back down thru the squares.

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3 hours ago, Texas Lizard said:

Question...How do get them out and ready for the dinner table...Seems like you reach in for one and two fly out....


Texas Lizard

Buy a can of starting fluid (ether) and gasssseeeeemmmm.!


Sam Sackett 

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