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Reference Books

Subdeacon Joe

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i have a lot of reference books - many might have been updated since i acquired them but they were the best available at that time , im not as keen on wiki as some - but i do use it for general info 

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 Where an encyclopedia beats Wikipedia is that when you pick up the encyclopedia to look something up, you find all sorts of unrelated things before and after the article you sought. Pretty soon you learn a lot of things that you weren't looking for.


I read the World Book encyclopedia that way as a kid and learned a lot of stuff.


And I know how to spell encyclopedia because of Jiminy Cricket.

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5 hours ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

 Where an encyclopedia beats Wikipedia is that when you pick up the encyclopedia to look something up, you find all sorts of unrelated things before and after the article you sought. Pretty soon you learn a lot of things that you weren't looking for.


I read the World Book encyclopedia that way as a kid and learned a lot of stuff.


And I know how to spell encyclopedia because of Jiminy Cricket.



We used to have about 2 dozen encyclopediae, about half a dozen different publishers, and at least one from every decade of the 1900s.  It was interesting to have 8 or 9 volumes from different publishers and years open and compare what each said about a subject. 
And, as you say, all the interesting, but unrelated, things that catch your eye as you look something up.  Five minutes later you look up and find that three or four hours have passed and you haven't read what you initially wanted to read because you got distracted.  

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