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About Russia’s (former) million man army

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When Russia invaded Ukraine with 300,000 troops, it was said that the army had a million troops available.  They wasted the spetznaz on the attempt to take Kyiv.


the million included navy and airforce personnel but it was mostly guarding the 20,139 km of land borders with 14 countries, another 40K km of sea borders and the two ocean borders with Japan and the Alaska.


now Putin started this crap with the excuse that NATO was too close, but he really knows that there is no threat. His garrison on the Kirill islands (disputed with Japan) was redeployed to Ukraine. He has reduced the garrisons on many of the borders, by 78% on the border with Norway.

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Hard to believe he hasn’t been taken out yet.

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Russia was thought to have the second largest military in the world.  Now it’s confirmed it has the second largest military in Ukraine.

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Within the Russian Federation there are several Muslim republics like Chechnya that would like to form independent countries. When the army is beaten down enough they might attempt a breakaway, and Chechnya after Kadyrov is gone.

Japan could take back the Kirill islands, they could buy them back but I think too much loss of face would be involved for that.

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