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The Kaboom Club!

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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A few weeks ago, I posted the sad story of how a couple of pistols of mine got blown up at the Guns of August Shoot.  The fault was entirely my own, brought on by overloaded cartridges.

Well, in the discussion that followed, a pard mentioned how he had had something similar happen to himself once, and that as a joke, a couple of his friends got him a badge that declared his membership in "The Kaboom Club."

I thought that was actually a pretty good idea.   So, I looked around online, and I found the same blank badge that was used to make his Kaboom Club one, and ordered some myself.  I figure, if I can't find a way to laugh at this, I'll get far too disgusted with myself and stop shooting.   I don't want to do that.  Now, granted, I hope that no one else EVER gets inducted into this (non existent) organization, but I hope that by letting others know of our misfortune, we can help to remind others to be careful so that they never become members. 

With that in mind, I got badges for both of my friends who were unfortunate enough to be using my pistols when they went KABBOOM!


Here's the first one...


Here's the second...


And just as a reminder, I got one for myself as well.   Notice the X2 on it...


And, if you are unfortunate enough to be a member of this unfortunate group and would like to get yourself one of these badges of shame, or get one for a friend who is a member, well, you can find the blank here...



They say laughter is the best medicine.  While I in no way wish to downplay how serious this was, or how much more serious it could have been, I do think that being able admit your mistakes and make light of them is a good way to get passed them.

I hope you all agree.

38 minutes ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

been there 3 times , all with FACTORY ammo , 


  rapid disassembly AIN"T no fun 


  CB :wacko:


Eep!   Factory ammo?  That's even worse.   So, you get to have an X3 on yours.   :)

What did you lose?



Happened to my first shotgun, blew the rib off, opened the right barrel 1/2 inch at the breech end and tapered like a carrot towards the muzzle. Never unlocked the barrels, when I opened it up all that was left of the shell was the brass head. No one was hurt but it sure was LOUD with my right ear so close to it. 

p.s. I still have the barrels to remind me 

14 minutes ago, Brandon A Bovine SASS 27688 said:

Happened to my first shotgun, blew the rib off, opened the right barrel 1/2 inch at the breech end and tapered like a carrot towards the muzzle. Never unlocked the barrels, when I opened it up all that was left of the shell was the brass head. No one was hurt but it sure was LOUD with my right ear so close to it. 

p.s. I still have the barrels to remind me 

You mean, like in a Bugs Bunny cartoon?

Can we see it?

What kind of a shotgun was it?


ill try to avoid that club if i can , so far so good , but i have seen my share of that at both the shotgun range i work at and the rifle range , along with idiots getting scoped for no reason except stupidity and trying to impress your girl friend aventures ..........its hard lessons learned but good for the gene pool as we dont need those genes without behavior modifications , JMHO of coarse , 


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