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Complete Idiot proposes Constitutional ammendment to silence NRA

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it’s getting obvious that the ruling class is
becoming a little annoyed that the lowly plebes are learning about the
misdeeds of the government and are finding ways to make their small
voices heard. Whether through the time-honored 4th estate, or through
lobbying groups that represent the will of a group of people, one
senator from Connecticut is sick and tired of listening and just wants
to shut them up. And to do it, he’s proposing a constitutional amendment
that would remove the protections of the first amendment from
newspapers and groups such as the NRA and ACLU . . .

Here’s the full text of the proposed Constitutional amendment (link), but the important bit is here:

The words people, person, or citizen as
used in this Constitution do not include corporations, limited liability
companies or other corporate entities established by the laws of any
State, the United States, or any foreign state, and such corporate
entities are subject to such regulation as the people, through their
elected State and Federal representatives, deem reasonable and are
otherwise consistent with the powers of Congress and the States under
this Constitution.

While the amendment would overturn the Citizens United
ruling which has ruffled many elitist feathers, it would do so in such a
way as to clear the path for direct legislation gagging lobbying groups
such as the NRA and ACLU, and would remove many of the protections that
keep newspapers like the New York Times open.

The appropriate way to reverse the Citizens United
ruling is to change the fair election rules, which doesn’t need an
amendment. A constitutional amendment like this seems designed to
further chip away at our rights under the not-so-thin veil of “doing
something good.”

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Oh yeah, that will shut us up!

If they want us all to act as Lemmings, they should lead by example, by jumping first. I'll be there later.................................. much later ;)


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It it were to apply evenly, including NPR, PBS, Sierra Club, Margret Sanger Memorial Eugenics and Racial Purity League Planned Parenthood, Brady Campaign, et al. then I could see "The words people, person, or citizen as used in this Constitution do not include corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state," as being reasonable. I do have trouble, some anyway, with the idea of corporate "personhood."


On the other hand, since one of the reasons that corporations were granted "personhood" in the first place was so that corporations could be sued, the Law of Unintended Consequences would quickly bite the supporters of this legislation in the butt.

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Sad to say these folks are pushing a socialist agenda . This is not limited to the USA as I have a firm belief this is a global movement to build a world order /economy. Save for the radical muslims a lot of the EU is on board with this. It is time for the the people of this country to wake up and look at what is happening. But as long as almost 50 % of folks now are on the dole it will be hard to turn this around. My dear departed Uncle used to tell me that before I died I would see armed revolt in the streets. I am beginning to believe he was right.

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