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Question for Missouri Cowboys

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The closest SASS-affiliated club is the Moniteau Creek River Raiders in Fayette, Mo. There is another club in Higginsville, MO called the Rocky Branch Rangers. I'm not sure if they are still affiliated with SASS since I don't see them on the clubs list. They shoot the 1st Sunday of each month starting in April, I think. There is 1 more non-affilated club called the Missouri Bushwhackers that shoot at Pioneer gun club in Bates City, MO. All these clubs are about the same distance from Chillichothe. In addition, the Powder Creek Cowboys in Lenexa, KS isn't much farther. They shoot the 2nd and 4th Saturdays and the 4th Wednesday of each month year-round, weather permitting. Hope this helps.




I'm located in S.E. Missouri and have not shoot in Fayette, but I can tell you the Powder Creek Cowboy have great stages and are a great group.


The bushwackers Shoot on the Saturday before the Higgsinville Club that shoots on the 1st. Sunday of the month. 1 weekend and 2 shoots.


The Fayette Club, MCRR is on the 2nd. Sunday of the month and if for no other reason you ahve to attend just to hear what Doolin writes for each stage.


Unless they inadvertently let their membership lapse the Rocky Branch Rangers is affiliated with SASS. in fact it, or its predecessor club, was the first SASS affiliate in Missouri over 20 years ago. They are very good people. I shoot there and with the Bushwackers (which is unaffiliated) the first weekend of every month as well as at Powder Creek (Lenexa.) Great cowboys all.


I do have to say the Powder Creek Cowboys are some serious carpenters.


Rocky Branch Rangers is probably slightly closer -- I believe they are still SASS affiliated (but I'm not sure -- I used to be a match director there).


I was a member back when it was still the "Mountain Oyster Gang."


Moniteu Creek runs a great shoot and is full of great people.


The bushwackers Shoot on the Saturday before the Higgsinville Club that shoots on the 1st. Sunday of the month. 1 weekend and 2 shoots.


The Fayette Club, MCRR is on the 2nd. Sunday of the month and if for no other reason you ahve to attend just to hear what Doolin writes for each stage.

+1 on Doolin's stages. C'mon down & shoot with us.


BTW, where in Iowa? Lady FIngers is from NE Corner of Iowa.


Fingers (Show Me MO Smoke) McGee



Far East Central Iowa. About 25 miles northwest of Davenport. Hope we can work out a trip that includes some shooting.


Marlin Buckhorn

Lady Fingers is from Decorah.


Hope the schedule allows a match or two when you come down.


Fingers (Show Me MO SMoke) McGee


Far East Central Iowa. About 25 miles northwest of Davenport. Hope we can work out a trip that includes some shooting.


Marlin Buckhorn


You and I are in rougly the same part of Iowa. I live in Davenport.


Sorry -- I didn't look at your icon closely enough. Good to "see" you. Hope you have a fun trip to Missouri.


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