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Annual Shoots

Kid Doubleday

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In the area that I shoot in SW MO and NW AR, all of the shooting ranges host an Annual Match. Usually, they will have more stages offered, side matches, etc., and meals provided.


I have heard from the speakers at the matches describing their "Annual" match being held as a way to give back to the club shooters and doing their Annual as cheaply as possible. Where others tend to "do it up" a little bigger (2 day shoots, more expensive meals, give aways. etc), but charge considerably more. Basically, one not doing a lot more than breaking even, and the other making a profit to be spent for club improvements.


I know the choice is up to each club depending on the goals of each individual club, but my question is what is the usual mentality of some of the other areas around the CAS world to what YOUR club does? Give back (free shoot, cheap, etc) or attempt to make extra money to help with club improvement (repairs, stage additions, etc.).


Thanks for your input/opinions (if I get any) in advance,


Kid Doubleday

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In the area that I shoot in SW MO and NW AR, all of the shooting ranges host an Annual Match. Usually, they will have more stages offered, side matches, etc., and meals provided.


I have heard from the speakers at the matches describing their "Annual" match being held as a way to give back to the club shooters and doing their Annual as cheaply as possible. Where others tend to "do it up" a little bigger (2 day shoots, more expensive meals, give aways. etc), but charge considerably more. Basically, one not doing a lot more than breaking even, and the other making a profit to be spent for club improvements.


I know the choice is up to each club depending on the goals of each individual club, but my question is what is the usual mentality of some of the other areas around the CAS world to what YOUR club does? Give back (free shoot, cheap, etc) or attempt to make extra money to help with club improvement (repairs, stage additions, etc.).


Thanks for your input/opinions (if I get any) in advance,


Kid Doubleday

If an entity doesn't make a profit, it can't grow, simple as that. There is a way to make a fair profit and be fair to the customers. Of course, there has to be a market for your product. It's like any other market, there has to be equal supply and demand. You have to give your customers a reason to come back.



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We had a members only match which was fee


2 day was more a means to raise money for major projects

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2 of the 3 local clubs that I attend have annual matches to bring in funds to raise money for the club..

I attend them both..

True Grit in Little York IL. and Fall Roundup in Milan IL.

They are both great shoots with good attendance..

The 3rd. local club has their annual for the benefit of the shooters... small club.. small turnout.. but still fun..


Rance ;)

Thinkin' it's all good... :)

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If they want to give back to the CLUB MEMBERS.

Do the free shoot for CLUB MEMBERS only.


Other wise. I don't see how having a annual gives back to the members. As they have a lot more WORK to do

to put it on.


So to me. The only reason to do it IS to do it for the club to TRY and make a little. Won't make much.

But ya better make a little and try to improve the club.

Other wise. To me, why do it. Just more work for the club members.


How is having club members do all the work for a annual, And not make money. Helping the club members at all??

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Our club, Los Vaqueros of southern Arizona does a couple of "annual shoots" each year, normally in front of larger shoots like Bordertown and Winter Range. Our board of directors work hard to put on a good match for all that attend. We use those funds to pay our bills such as annual insurance, targets, supplies etc. Case in point, earlier this year we delivered to the range about 30 new targets and stands that were built by our club. The cost of those targets and stands was in the neighborhood of $2,000. Sheets of AR500 steel do not come cheap. Last year we had a couple of our club directors put on a .22 gallery side match at a couple of our larger shoots. They were very successful and the proceeds went for the steel to make new shotgun knockdown targets. Everybody likes to use targets that are in good condition to prevent splatter. We shoot on a private range and it is home for 3 cowboy shooting clubs. We all share targets.


We don't do free shoots for members. Instead we keep our prices low and do our best to provide a safe and fun match that folks will want to come back to. This was the goal of our club founder, 'Ole Deadeye SASS #422, and we do our best to carry on in his memory.


Buckeye Pete :FlagAm:

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