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Ruger #1 Rifle for Plainsman

Come On Christmas

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A long time ago I shot a rifle that Pecos Red had at a Plainsman Choot that was a Browning that had a similar action. What was it? Historically significance. I think I will ask my NCOWS friends as well. I will play dumb. Which eeez not hard for me.


Talk to me here.



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Probably the Browning 1885. I woulda said the clone of the Winchester 1885... but... since JMBrowning designed it... oh heck, got a headache now!

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I love my Ruger #1, but I've never used it for a SASS sidematch!!

I recollect you have got to shoot a rifle with an exposed hammer.


Mustang Gregg

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Not exactly sure what you are asking. The Ruger #1 is not legal for Plainsman because it has no outside hammer. Other than the actions are falling blocks, it bears no resemblance to the Browning Hi or Lo walls. The closest old west rifle to the Ruger #1 would probably be the Sharps Borchardt.

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