Howdy Doody Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Just so long as it all done and good by GFBJL I will be all set. I have to have a place to sleep, carry my cleaning kit and all that stuff. I can't haul all that stuff on a Harley Dynaglide.
LayLow Curly 57501L Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Ah Howdy, He's not supposed to stick a probe anywhere...... They check the OBDII for your VIN and inspect the smog stuff and then run up the engine and look for a "big cloud" of smoke. But you can not fail unless you have removed the smog stuff on your truck. LLC-D
Howdy Doody Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I can fail for too much nox, too lean (hard to believe) smoke is what they check on diesels I have a hemi gas engine. Diesels have to pass an opacity test and make sure all is OEM. I got my estimate and it is $2200 according to the appraiser, next stop a couple shops and see if that is enough dammit.
Marshal Phil DeGrave SASS #55202 Posted July 16, 2010 Author Posted July 16, 2010 Gas = check for "completed system moniters and codes" and sniff the tailpipe whilst spinning the rollers. Diesel = check for "completed system moniters and codes" VERY thorough visual inspection and look for smoke on hard accel.
Howdy Doody Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Stretch Dammit has it. The diesel cert for smoke is nothing more than seeing if all factory stuff is connected and then a snap test. It all boils down to wanting your $8 for the certificate in Sacramento. They think all this modified equipment and being tied in via phone lines will help, but in a town full of hot rods like Bakersfield, I am here to tell you that a bottle of propane and some other tricks, like strong led flashlights, I can have your 1948 Hudson hornet that need rings and valves. looking real good enough to hit the button and you will be all set. That way the real governor of California, Maria Shriver will be happy you saved a tree. I know, I know, your Hudson is exempt from all but a PCV. Too bad about that blowby though. Fireball Roberts won Daytona with one. They are fast. What all this non shootin', non cowboy stuff is all about is that if the state had not required me to get my truck tested to renew the registration, then I would not have had to take it to the smog shop and that monkey that performed the test would have not mistaken reverse for park and the rear end of my truck would not be wrecked and the other guys precious chevy would not have all the damage it has to the front and I would not be without the use of my truck and forced to ride my bike in 105 degree weather and so forth. Oh, so that is it then. Riding and roasting to work and back, that is what this whole diatribe is about then. Shame on you Howdy you are a whimp.
LayLow Curly 57501L Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I always figured you for an oil burner!
Jittery Jim Jonah, SASS #64913L Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I always figured you for an oil burner! What's with all this diesel stuff? I am dreading a similar trip to the shop. Just got my Escape back from almost 3 weeks in the body shop, a Harley Hog rear-ended me on the 91 freeway a while back.... it WAS a really nice bike. Where has the pride of workmanship gone? The insurance told the body shop to repair the tailpipe as it was bent and tweaked from the Hog. They used a HACKSAW and cut off the end of the tailpipe to remove the damaged part! Didn't even bother to sand off the burrs.... The body shop guy says "the insurance said to repair not replace..." And this is a 'CERTIFIED' repair facility. Now I gotta go get an estimate for service. The truck has 151,000 miles and I shudder to think how much this is gonna cost me. The 100,000 service was $1,100. JJJ-D
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Folks, Come on up to Amador County. We don't need any stinkin' smog checks if you live here. I know of three nice undeveloped 10 acre properties with great neighbors. Regards, No E - D!
Howdy Doody Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Folks, Come on up to Amador County. We don't need any stinkin' smog checks if you live here. I know of three nice undeveloped 10 acre properties with great neighbors. Regards, No E - D! If one of the parcels is near the Red Mule Ranch,that is mighty tempting No-E Dammit. I did not have to smog in Calaveras county either. That is why all this smogging stuff is new to me. Now if they could just do something about the cow flatulence issues. Kern county is loaded with cows with their tails in the air and if you have ever driven through, then you know of what I speak. This week to add to the excitement we hare having some kind of cricket invasion. Never a dull moment around this neck of the weeds, er I mean woods.
LayLow Curly 57501L Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 I can't breath without smog in the air.....
Youngblood #60304 Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 I can't breath without smog in the air..... How can you trust air you can't chew? Or see? It's LA man..........
Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104 Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 How can you trust air you can't chew? Or see? It's LA man.......... I guess it's like Scotch, you have to develope a taste for it. My personal favorite is cleanly burned diesel exhaust if I get a choice. Gas just doesn't do it for me.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 Ah, the memories of in inboard boat's exhaust on Bass Lake on a hot summer morning! Or, lighter fluid starting a charcoal fire in anticipation of rare steak.
LayLow Curly 57501L Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 Oh yeah, letting the construction equipment warm-up in the shed prior to going out on a job, in Illinois, in winter, in the dark.
Guest Winchester Jack, SASS #70195 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 folowing a semi truck on the 91 in July with no airconditioning
Youngblood #60304 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 SLACKERS each and everyone........... Come on MAN UP, it's an LA thing guys (and gals), DAMMITT! On a Monday no less........
Caliope Cupcake #13981 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 MMMmmm exhaust my favrit smell next ta gasoline 'n new tennis shoes YB let me know iffin ya need a yummy wedding cake when the time comes
Guest Winchester Jack, SASS #70195 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 MMMmmm exhaust my favrit smell next ta gasoline 'n new tennis shoes YB let me know iffin ya need a yummy wedding cake when the time comes and a new borns dirty diaper
Marshal Phil DeGrave SASS #55202 Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 The GREATEST polution EVER is/was sitting at turn 6 at Riverside International Raceway, during the 6 hour Times Gran Prix Sports Car Endurance races and smelling the burning racing fuel, the melted tire rubber and hot gear lube.
LayLow Curly 57501L Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 I gotta get the oil burner smogged so I figured why not kill a day and some oil well as well..... be at Dodge tomorrow for a while.
WEEDY SASS#653 Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 The GREATEST polution EVER is/was sitting at turn 6 at Riverside International Raceway, during the 6 hour Times Gran Prix Sports Car Endurance races and smelling the burning racing fuel, the melted tire rubber and hot gear lube. AHHH Those WERE the days wern't they!!
Guest Winchester Jack, SASS #70195 Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 The GREATEST polution EVER is/was sitting at turn 6 at Riverside International Raceway, during the 6 hour Times Gran Prix Sports Car Endurance races and smelling the burning racing fuel, the melted tire rubber and hot gear lube. I never saw that race but I was out there for the stock car race, go Dan Gurney! and I spent some time in the pits when my dad was racing Porches
Howdy Doody Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 I gotta get the oil burner smogged so I figured why not kill a day and some oil well as well..... be at Dodge tomorrow for a while. I got's my fingers crossed for ya pard. Too bad you don't live in my neck of the woods, I could recommend a real monkey to smog yer ride. Other than an estimate from an adjuster, the perps insurance is keeping a low profile. I did find that the other vehicles estimate went over $15k. Hard to believe, but a class 3 hitch makes a real nice battering ram, hence the reason they call my model a Big Horn Ram. I had thought previously it had to do with the driver. I see Shapiro, the lawyer dropped Lindsey Lohan and maybe I need to retain him to get a settlement. I am looking for the cash. A guy in the body shop where I work can fix up my truck as side work.
LayLow Curly 57501L Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 I got's my fingers crossed for ya pard. Too bad you don't live in my neck of the woods, I could recommend a real monkey to smog yer ride. Other than an estimate from an adjuster, the perps insurance is keeping a low profile. I did find that the other vehicles estimate went over $15k. Hard to believe, but a class 3 hitch makes a real nice battering ram, hence the reason they call my model a Big Horn Ram. I had thought previously it had to do with the driver. I see Shapiro, the lawyer dropped Lindsey Lohan and maybe I need to retain him to get a settlement. I am looking for the cash. A guy in the body shop where I work can fix up my truck as side work. The smog machine was I gotta go somewhere else. But I did put a dent in the oil reserves when I had it changed. Howdy, I thought you said it was called a BIG HORN, not a draggin in the dirt RAM? Figures, buncha crap when they jerk yer strings on insurance stuff.
Howdy Doody Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 I am used to getting my strings jerked. Big Horn Ram it is all synonymous, since I am Italian. Gepeto was too by the way.
Guest Winchester Jack, SASS #70195 Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 I am used to getting my strings jerked. Big Horn Ram it is all synonymous, since I am Italian. Gepeto was too by the way. it depends on who is jerking your strings
Howdy Doody Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 it depends on who is jerking your strings Yeah, I know. First it was Buffalo Bob, then along came my wife, nowadays my boss. I never seem to run out of string jerkers.
Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104 Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 "Yeah, I know. First it was Buffalo Bob, then along came my wife, nowadays my boss. I never seem to run out of string jerkers." We all have them pard in one fashion or another. At least you have plenty of time to get the "Hilton" back on the road for Winter Range. It is gonna be a great time. JJ
Howdy Doody Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 JJ-D, if I can get a check out of this guys insurance company, I will have the truck in shape and enough to grubstake the whole Winter range trip including the entry. I have a guy in our body shop that can do it at his house and rent time in a spray both at peterbilt. I am trying anyway, but I am having trouble getting the other insurance to get in touch with me. The only one that talks to me is his agent. They did send an estimator out and he came up with $2200, but then there is the mental anguish angle, loss of vehicle use, per diem for lunches, the underwear I ruined when I saw the wreck and a myrid of other things I would like to tack on. I may have to assemble OJs dream team for this one.
Caliope Cupcake #13981 Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 Where has the pride of workmanship gone? The insurance told the body shop to repair the tailpipe as it was bent and tweaked from the Hog. They used a HACKSAW and cut off the end of the tailpipe to remove the damaged part! Didn't even bother to sand off the burrs.... JJJ-D SERIOUSLY! even a manicurist knows you file and smooth after cutting. he sounds l;ike #4 from the movie Multiplicity
Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104 Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 JJ-D, if I can get a check out of this guys insurance company, I will have the truck in shape and enough to grubstake the whole Winter range trip including the entry. I have a guy in our body shop that can do it at his house and rent time in a spray both at peterbilt. I am trying anyway, but I am having trouble getting the other insurance to get in touch with me. The only one that talks to me is his agent. They did send an estimator out and he came up with $2200, but then there is the mental anguish angle, loss of vehicle use, per diem for lunches, the underwear I ruined when I saw the wreck and a myrid of other things I would like to tack on. I may have to assemble OJs dream team for this one. Isn't that the way. Well Cowboy, you're gonna have to get tough it looks like. You might have to pull out the "I'll see you in court and it will cost you even more money card to see what they do." Most Insurance companies are more reputable than that and want to clear their books from claims when it is clearly their client's faults.
Howdy Doody Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 GET A ROPE Great idea Yummy Dammit. I am got wind of a great law firm Dewey Cheatem and Howe, they guarantee results. The one I need the rope for is the smog guy.
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