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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

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Everything posted by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

  1. A fellow is going through his mail and discovers a envelope marked SECOND NOTICE from the IRS. He rips it open and in some very strong language he is reminded of his over due taxes. He rushes out the door and down to the IRS office. Seated in the IRS officer's office, he weakly explained that he was sorry, but he must have misplaced the first notice and he paid his taxes in full. The IRS guy accepts his payment, and smiling says, We don't send out first notices, we find second notices are much more effective.
  2. A farmer had a flock of chickens but only one rooster. The rooster met a coyote, so the farmer need a replacement. He approached his neighbor and after a short negotation he purchased a rooster. His neighbor bragged on the rooster prowress and demanded a stiff price for the bird. So the farmer takes the rooster home. Before he released the rooster to do his job, he gave him a pep talk, telling him that there were a lot of hens and to pace himself. He released the rooster, and he heads for the hens. Services them all. He then turned his attention to a flock of ducks down at the pond, and took care of business there. He then spotted a gaggle of geese and yep, them too. The farmer watch all this from his front porch, and watched as the rooster staggered back toward the house, and then keeled over. Before he could reach the rooster's body a flock of vultures started to circle overhead. As he reached the rooster, the bird whispered, DON'T MOVE THEY FORMING UP!
  3. To take an arrow from Nancy's quiver, I still have options.
  4. Now that richt there is funny. ED: 9/25/2020 Everytime I see this, I still laugh out loud.
  5. That didn't seem to work out so well about 12 years ago here in Washington State. Ask Dino Rossi about it.
  6. I'm sending help. I will call Marvel Comic Books and have them send over some of our heroes. How about that????
  7. Yeah, but that was in the land of OZ. You guys down there OK?
  9. I wondered how long it would take for you to react, Pard.
  10. CAPTAIN JACKI don't know why his eyes are green, but that is what the camera gave me. Perhaps the flash?
  11. Didn't the Brits play that game somwheres circa 1775?
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